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Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog

A Quality Air Conditioner Provides the Right Amount of Dehumidification

Our summers are not only hot, but also very humid. This means there is an exceptionally high amount of water vapor in the air, which makes it feel warmer than it really is. When relative humidity levels are about 50% or higher, your body no longer has the means to dissipate sweat—as it cannot evaporate into the air around it so easily—and this is your body’s natural way of cooling off.

Why Is My Home So Humid?

It’s hot and humid outside. But you expect that when you walk into your air conditioned home, the problem will be resolved. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. When your air conditioner struggles to maintain humidity levels, you may still feel hot and sticky even as the AC unit is running.

Is Your Unit Oversized or Undersized?

A common reason for poor dehumidification is an air conditioning system that is oversized or one that is undersized. There is only one size of air conditioner that is the right one for your home. If a technician does not properly measure your home’s needs and take into account additional factors like insulation and location, you might not have the right size.

If an air conditioner is undersized, it will be too small to provide proper cooling or dehumidification for the larger space in your home. And if it’s oversized, it can short-cycle. Running in shorter bursts more frequently means the air conditioner cannot cycle long enough to offer sufficient dehumidification.

How Can I Find the Right Air Conditioner?

Finding an air conditioner that’s right for your home and your dehumidification needs is easy, when you work with specialists who know what they’re doing. The best thing to do is:

  • Find a quality AC company you can trust.
  • Get a high-efficiency unit.
  • Ask your technician about adding on dehumidifying equipment, if necessary.

Boehmer Heating & Cooling offers AC services in Baldwin-Whitehall and the surrounding areas. Call our friendly staff for exceptional customer service.

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