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Humidifiers in Pittsburgh, PA

You need to be able to maintain comfortable temperatures within your home throughout the year.  However, it is not solely temperature control with which you must concern yourself, at least not if you hope to live in true comfort. To achieve that goal, you must also maintain great indoor air quality within your living space. This is not going to be possible if the air in your home is simply too dry.

Fortunately, the indoor air quality specialists on the Boehmer Heating & Cooling team are always happy to help homeowners throughout the area to improve the quality of the air within their homes with whole-house humidifiers. We install and service quality humidifiers in Pittsburgh, PA. If you think that the air in your home is too dry, then you are wise to schedule a whole–house humidifier installation with a skilled technician in our employ.

Boehmer Heating & Cooling offers whole–house humidifier services throughout the Pittsburgh, PA area.

Signs That You Need Whole–House Humidification

Some people hear the phrase "dry air" and dismiss the issue as unimportant. In truth, though, having air that is too dry throughout your home can actually lead to a number of undesirable issues. Because you will be surrounded by this dry air at all times in your home, it can start to take a toll on your body, leaving your skin dry and itchy while potentially causing frequent sore throats, and even nosebleeds. However, the ill effects of very dry air don’t stop with those inflicted upon your body. They also extend to your household and your property.

If the air in your home is very dry, wooden floorboards or fixtures in your home can dry out, splitting and cracking. Paint can chip, and wallpaper may crack as well. Plus, dry air promotes increased instances of static shocks, which can prove detrimental to sensitive electronic devices. To ensure that you don’t suffer with these issues in your home, we strongly recommend the use of a whole–house humidifier.

We Install and Service Whole–House Humidifiers

When you have very dry air in your home, you don’t want to be wheeling inefficient, marginally–effective humidifiers throughout your entire house in an effort to instill the air therein with sufficient humidity. That is why you should instead opt for a whole–house humidifier. Such systems are integrated directly into HVAC systems, and are fed water via a distribution line, so that you don’t have to worry about refilling any reserves. Whole–house humidifiers take all of the hassle out of ensuring excellent humidification in one’s home.

Of course, it is necessary that your whole–house humidifier is installed and serviced by a trained professional. That is why you should schedule your humidifier installation and services with the IAQ professionals on our staff. We’ll make sure that the humidifier in your home is of an appropriate capacity for your needs, and that it is fed with water in a dependable manner. Contact a member of our team today to discuss available humidifier makes and models. With our help, you’ll be enjoying a properly humidified, more healthful and comfortable environment in no time.