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Heat Pumps

My Heat Pump Won’t Turn On! What Should I Do?

Home | Blog | Published on January 21st, 2014

It’s the emergency you don’t want to occur in the middle of a rough winter: suddenly discovering that your heat pump won’t come on when it should. Is it broken and can you do anything about it?

Obviously, a heat pump that malfunctions and doesn’t turn on is a serious problem and needs to be remedied as soon as possible. We will look over some of the reasons that a heat pump might fail to turn on and what you can do about it.

Most of the time, you’ll need to call for professional repairs; heat pumps are complex mechanical devices that require special training to fix. For 24-hour emergency service on your heat pump or any other heating repair in Pittsburgh, PA, call Boehmer Heating & Cooling.

Reasons for a Heat Pump Not Turning On

  • Thermostat issues: The first thing you should check when any heating system fails is the thermostat (or thermostats if you have a zone control system). Is it set correctly? If you have a programmable thermostat, check that the program is set so the heat will come on at the appropriate time. If the thermostat seems set correctly, the issue might be a miscalibration that is causing the thermostat to read the temperature incorrectly, or possibly an electrical failure that has cut if off from communicating with the heat pump. You will need professional repairs for this.
  • Power loss: Heat pumps can sometimes trip circuit breakers. Check your fuse box to see if this is the case. If the heat pump continues to trip the circuit breakers, there may be an electrical fault in the heat pump that needs attention.
  • Failed start capacitor: Listen to the cabinet of your heat pump. If you can hear a clicking noise whenever the heat pump should be turning on, then likely the problem is a failing start capacitor, the component responsible for transmitting the electrical charge that starts the motors. Call technicians to replace it.
  • Broken reversing valve: The reversing valve is responsible for changing the direction of refrigerant in the heat pump so that it can function as both a heater and an air conditioner. If you find that the heat pump will still provide cool air, but won’t provide heat, then it’s probably the fault of the reversing valve, and it will need replacement.

Heat pump repairs usually do not take long to complete, so call for repairs right away when you cannot get your heat pump started so you’ll avoid a long stretch in the cold. Boehmer Heating & Cooling has specialized in heating repair in Pittsburgh, PA since 1933, so you can trust in our services for your heat pump.

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