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Dust: Where It Comes from and Why It Has to Be Removed from Your AC

Home | Blog | Published on July 20th, 2015

You vacuum, you polish, you take your shoes off before entering the house, but yet it is still there: dust. And it is endless. If you have a forced air system in your home, you know how irritating swirling dust can be, especially for the allergy sufferers in your home. While it may look as if dust emanates from your air conditioning system, it doesn’t: the dust in the air flow is actually from your home. So how is this dust getting there? You may be surprised.

40 Pounds of Dust Annually

It’s estimated that the average household collects up to 40 pounds of dust annually. Where is all this dust coming from? About 70% of it comes from the inhabitants inside your home, including pets. This is because humans and pets shed up to 30,000-40,000 dead skin cells per day as the skin renews itself, and these skin cells become dust in the home. The other 30% of your dust comes from the outdoors and is comprised of dirt, plant life, sand, organic decay and a host of other small particles. As you can see, there is a font of particles creating dust in your home, and when the dust becomes part of your AC’s air flow, it will coat your system.

How Dust and Dirt Affect Your AC

Dust and dirt on your air conditioner can have a number of effects, all of them adverse:

  • Affects the cooling process – the coils in your air conditioning system play a very important role in the cooling process; if there is a layer of dirt and dust on them, this layer will act as an insulator, disrupting the cooling process.
  • Increases energy usage – when components are covered in a layer of dust, their operation is hampered. This can put stress on your AC during operation, causing it to use more energy.
  • Decreases indoor air quality – when excessive dirt and dust are in your system and ductwork, these particles have a direct route into your home’s living spaces.

The experts at Boehmer Heating & Cooling can help you with dust removal, from air filtration systems to air purifiers and annual maintenance. Call us today and see how we can help your AC in Mt. Lebanon, PA operate better!

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