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“Is It Worth Repairing an AC Compressor, or Should I Replace?”

Home | Blog | Published on June 29th, 2020

compressor-inside-ac-unitHere’s the thing—you can’t repair an air conditioner’s compressor if it breaks down. The compressor of your air conditioner is essentially the heart of the system, responsible for allowing the refrigerant process that even makes it possible for your cooling system to… well… cool.

So, if that’s the case, why are we even writing this blog post? If repairing the compressor isn’t possible, isn’t the only option to replace it?

Well… here’s the thing. The real question you should be asking here is, “should I replace my AC compressor, replace the outside unit of my cooling system, or replace the entire air conditioner?” To be honest, the answer to this is, “it depends” and that’s why this blog post is so important. When it comes down to it, it may simply be best to replace the entire air conditioner, and here’s why:

Compressors Are Expensive!

In fact, compressors are the most expensive components of cooling systems. This isn’t bad news necessarily, depending on some factors. For instance, how old is your air conditioner as a whole? If it’s only a few years old and you’ve been having it regularly maintained, but the compressor failed anyway, it’s time to look and your manufacturer’s warranty. If the warranty is still good, then you should be able to have the compressor replaced at no cost to you because this shows an AC defect.

But, what if your air conditioner is 10-15 years old? This is the average lifespan of an air conditioner, even one that is very well taken care of throughout the years. So if a compressor fails, it is worth replacing? Think of it this way—you’re putting a brand new, pricey, compressor inside a failing system. What happens when that air conditioner breaks down anyway just a year or two from now? Then you’re stuck replacing the entire system, anyway.

So, what about replacing just the outside unit rather than the whole entire cooling system? This is a possibility, but again, you’ll want to consider age. A mismatched indoor system can start having problems due to the functionality and efficiency of the newer outside unit. You can experience ductwork problems, refrigerant leaks, and broken down components.

“So, How Do I Even Know I Have a Compressor Problem?”

Of course, you’ll never get to ponder whether or not you should replace your compressor or not if you don’t even know that the compressor is the cause of your air conditioner problems! Fortunately, there are some telltale signs to watch out for that indicate compressor failure.

A lack of cooling, for instance, is a sign. Your AC systems needs refrigerant to successfully flow into the evaporator coils at high pressure in order to operate, and if this isn’t happening then your system won’t be able to actually cool.

Another sign of compressor failure is strange noises—for instance a hissing noise can mean a refrigerant leak, which will lead to compressor problems, or you may hear the compressor itself struggling to start up, hard-starting, or humming very loudly. The bottom line is, if you notice anything unnatural about yoru AC operation, it’s time to give our pros a call!

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