Air Conditioning Posts

Pittsburgh Air Conditioning Tip: What to Do About Cool Spots

June 4th, 2012

Sitting on your couch watching TV should be an enjoyable experience, especially after a long day at the office. But, if your Pittsburgh air conditioner deposits an abnormally high volume of cold air directly onto your couch, making you shiver…

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Chose ENERGY STAR For Your Air Conditioning Installation

June 1st, 2012

Looking to replace your air conditioning system? You should think about buying an ENERGY STAR labeled model.

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Your McKeesport HVAC System and Electricity

May 29th, 2012

While not every McKeesport HVAC system in your home requires electricity, many of them do. Your air conditioner, electric furnace or water heater and ventilation system all need access to the central power line. So what does that mean for your system…

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Pittsburgh Family Fun

May 18th, 2012

Looking for some fun family activities in the Pittsburgh area? This weekend is the Pittsburgh International Children’s Festival and the 2012 Venture Outdoors Festival!

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Pittsburgh AC Question: What Are Thermostatic Expansion Valves?

May 14th, 2012

The thermostatic expansion valve, sometimes known as a TEX, TEV or TXV, is a critical piece to influence the efficiency of all air conditioning and refrigeration units, including the AC system in your Pittsburgh home.

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Pittsburgh AC Repair Question: Why Is My Air Conditioner Not Cooling?

May 7th, 2012

Designed for one to two decades of life, your Pittsburgh air conditioner is able to run virtually trouble free with just a little maintenance annually. If these little things like changing the air filter and cleaning the drain are not done regularly…

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Do you know how to maintain your heat pump?

April 27th, 2012

A heat pump provides a number of benefits over traditional heating and cooling. The versatility of a heat pump means having reliable comfort control every day of the year. Generally heat pumps are more efficient, however they do still need to have some regular maintenance in order to make sure that they continue to effectively heat or cool your home. Check out our maintenance plans to help with your heat pump and home comfort system maintenance.

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Pittsburgh Air Conditioning Maintenance Tip: When Should You Check Your AC Filters

April 9th, 2012

The filters on your Pittsburgh air conditioning unit are vital for keeping out the dust and debris that make things like illness, allergies and air quality worse. And it’s important that you take personal responsibility for checking those filters.

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Air Conditioners and Energy Use by Percentage: A Tip From Coraopolis

September 9th, 2011

It’s no secret that air conditioners use up a lot of electricity and can add substantially to your energy bills during those warm summer months in Coraopolis. But did you know that they actually account for an estimated 11% of the total energy used in all buildings in the US each year?

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How to Add Freon to a Central Air Conditioning Unit: A Guide From Braddock

September 7th, 2011

An air conditioner cannot cool your Braddock home without an adequate amount of Freon. So if you’ve noticed a drop off in the cooling power of your central air conditioning system, inadequate Freon levels may be the culprit. But before you try to add more Freon to your unit, there are several things you need to know.

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