Air Conditioning Posts

Benefits of Replacing Your Thermostat

April 27th, 2015

Spring is here, which offers homeowners a chance to examine their heating and cooling system between the snows of winter and the heat of summer. Nowhere is that more important than your thermostat, which controls all aspects of your HVAC system.

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Is It Time for AC Replacement?

April 20th, 2015

Spring is a great time to assess your home’s needs, and if it’s time to replace an outdated air conditioner, now is the perfect time to do it. It isn’t always obvious when it’s time to replace an air conditioner, especially when your system is still running, so our experts have listed a few factors to heavily consider.

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Ways to Avoid Air Conditioning Repair This Summer

April 13th, 2015

If we could offer you an air conditioning system that was guaranteed never to break, we’d do it in a Pittsburgh minute. We can’t do that because such an air conditioning system doesn’t exist, but what our experts can offer you are some great tips on how to avoid air conditioning repair and reduce your incidence of repair.

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Make Air Conditioning Maintenance Part of Your Spring Cleaning This Year

April 6th, 2015

As our temperatures edge a little higher each day, our attention starts to turn toward the warmer weather. We may not be fully ready for spring cleaning yet, but this time of year is perfect for scheduling maintenance for your air conditioning system in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas.

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Air Conditioning Repair: Could It Be the Thermostat?

September 17th, 2014

Thermostats are sensitive instruments, and because they control when your air conditioner cycles, problems with it can look like a lot of other (potentially bad) things. If you’ve ruled out the possibility of other problems, it may be time to focus your air conditioning repair in Pittsburgh on your thermostat, with the help of a trained professional from Boehmer Heating & Cooling.

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How Technicians Determine the Size of Your New AC

August 20th, 2014

In order for an air conditioner to work well for a home, it must be properly sized for the home. The installers need to determine how large a cooling load a new air conditioning system must produce in order to keep the home at the temperature that the homeowner wants for comfort.

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What Does the SEER Number Mean for My Air Conditioner?

August 13th, 2014

Just as a car has the miles per gallon rating (mpg) to assess how well it uses its energy source (gasoline, in this case), so, too, does an air conditioning system. This rating is called SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) and it tells you how efficient a specific air conditioning system in Brentwood will be.

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Is It Too Late for Air Conditioning Maintenance?

August 6th, 2014

A great time to schedule air conditioning maintenance is in the spring or early summer to protect your air conditioner during the cooling season. But when it’s the middle of summer and you still haven’t called a professional AC company for maintenance, is it too late?

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Can I Wait for Air Conditioning Replacement?

July 23rd, 2014

Replacing an air conditioner is a big decision, and shouldn’t be rushed into. But at the height of summer, it can be difficult to overcome the daily heat and humidity with an aging system. When faced with the question to replace now or later…

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How Can I Save Money on Air Conditioning?

July 10th, 2014

Running your air conditioning in Baldwin can get expensive, but this summer you may be able to cut costs significantly with a few energy saving tips and by considering investing in energy-efficient solutions for your home. To start saving money on air conditioning today, try some of the following tips.

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