Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Energy Savings’ Category

Ceiling Fan Rotation: Why Direction Matters

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Ceiling fans are a great way to boost your home comfort levels. Even when your air conditioner is doing a great job of tackling the summer heat and humidity, lying under a ceiling fan and feeling the breeze adds another layer of comfort.

Ceiling fans are also cost-effective for regulating your home’s indoor temperature. However, what many homeowners don’t know is that your ceiling fan’s efficacy is dependent on which direction the fan blades rotate. In fact, many people aren’t even aware that their ceiling fans can rotate in two directions: clockwise or counterclockwise.

Let’s go over the importance of proper ceiling fan direction in summer in Bethel Park and how to set your home’s ceiling fans during the summer.

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Is it Time for an Energy Audit on Your Home?

Monday, April 8th, 2019

cardboard-house-cutout-being-held-against-blue-skyHere’s the thing about homes today—if yours was built in the last decade or so, it was constructed tightly. What does that mean? Well, it means that everything is tightly sealed to allow no air from going out and no outside air from sneaking in. This is great news for your HVAC systems, as it allows them to work as efficiently as possible. This isn’t, however, fool-proof

The fact of the matter is, over the years your windows and doors can develop drafts. Your ductwork can degrade to the point that you have conditioned air leaking into unused spaces such as your attic or crawlspace. You may have an aging HVAC system that’s performing inefficiently, or aging insulation that’s not keeping your home warm or cool, depending on the season. Fortunately, there is an answer to these obstacles—a home energy audit!

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Spring Energy Audits Mean Year-Round Savings

Monday, March 12th, 2018

money-saving-home-performanceAt the beginning of spring, Pittsburgh residents can expect chilly weather well into March and April. Soon, though, you’ll be perfectly comfortable sitting in your home even without hearing the heater running. This is what’s called the “shoulder season” when you work in the HVAC industry, an off-period when the rush of repair and installation calls come to a stop.

These services may not seem so important in the spring, but this season should be used as a time to prepare your home for the harsh weather to come. Hot, humid summers are followed by another cold winter season means you pay quite a bit for heating and cooling. But you can take the time now to prepare your home with an energy audit.

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How You Can Benefit from a Home Energy Audit this Season

Monday, December 4th, 2017

money-saving-home-performanceEnergy bills have spiked, and you’ve had enough. You ask the family to be more aware of lights left on, to set the thermostat responsibly, and to monitor appliances closely—with some success. And yet, your next bill is nearly as high as the last. At this point, you may feel that there’s no hope of bills dropping any lower, but there is hope.

An energy audit is a great way to learn more about what’s draining energy in your home. When you follow it up with a few home improvements, you can save a lot of money every month, and the savings each year can offset the cost of these upgrades. Learn more about this benefit and others in our brief guide.

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High Energy Bills? A Few Mistakes You May Be Making

Monday, May 8th, 2017

CFL-bulb-moneyIt’s time to take control over your monthly spending. You’ll find a lot of advice out there on the internet about how to reduce your bills and cut out unnecessary spending—cancelling unused subscriptions and memberships, for one—but unless you reassess the amount of energy used in your home, bills will remain high. This is especially true as we move into another hot and humid spring and summer, so it’s time to take action.

From simple mistakes to structural problems within the home, there are a few issues around the house that may be causing an unnecessary spike in your monthly bills.

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How HVAC Experts Can Help You Tackle High Energy Bills

Monday, March 13th, 2017

money-saving-home-performanceThis year, don’t let heating and air conditioning bills keep you from enjoying your time at home. Sometimes, it seems like the only way to save on heating and cooling costs is to shut off the AC or heating systems completely, but this is no longer the case.

When you have home performance experts working in the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) industry, you have a resource to help reduce costs where bills can add up the most. Qualified home energy experts can help you find ways to cut bills and stay comfortable for years to come.

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Insulating Your Home for Warmth and Savings

Monday, February 13th, 2017

save-money-home-insulationIt’s been a cold one this year, and you might not have felt the relief you wanted from your home comfort system. It could be that you have noticed hot or cold spots around the home or never felt quite warm enough at all. And that may be something you thought you’d have to put up with for a long time to come.

But often, these types of problems do not necessarily indicate that you need to replace your furnace or boiler. Instead, you might need to rethink the insulation in your home.

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Make a New Year’s Resolution to Reduce Your Utility Bills

Monday, December 26th, 2016

When you commit to having a more energy-efficient home, you may notice energy savings for many years to come. This year, make a resolution to start saving more on your utility bills. For many homeowners, this is something that doesn’t come easily. Using the heater in the winter and the AC in the summer is necessary, but something that takes a big toll on your bills.

These home upgrades and professional services can help lower your bills for the year and for many to come.

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Why a Home Energy Audit Is the Best Way to Save Energy

Monday, November 28th, 2016

What’s a home energy audit? It’s a way for you to find out where energy is wasted in your home, so that you can get on the path towards lower bills and better heating and cooling system performance.

In fact, we think a home energy audit, followed up with active home energy solutions, is the best way to save money on your monthly bills. What makes it the most effective means to that end?

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Poor Insulation: Why You’re Spending So Much on Heating

Monday, March 21st, 2016

If your heating bills seemed higher than average this past season, you might have some concerns. Could your heating system be at fault? Possibly. But what if you have a fairly new system, or you’ve recently gotten the okay from technicians about your heater’s performance?

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