Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Holiday Home Safety Checklist

Monday, October 25th, 2021

It may seem a little early to be talking about the holidays, but like it or not they are right around the corner. That said, the time to start thinking about your holiday home safety is now. What do we mean by this?

Well, there are some steps you should take to ensure that the events and festivities you enjoy during this time of year don’t do your household harm. This includes:

  • Installating/Maintaining a Whole-Home Generator
  • Changing the Batteries in Your Smoke and CO Detectors
  • Having Your Furnace Tuned-Up
  • Not Overloading Your Home with Holiday Lights

Read on as we dive a little deeper into each step on this checklist!

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The Cost of Not Maintaining Your Heating System

Monday, September 13th, 2021

We probably don’t need to tell you just how important a well-functioning heating system is in our part of the country. We can deal with some pretty harsh winters, which can sometimes stretch into spring. A home’s heating system–no matter what type–is vital to helping your family getting through the cooler months comfortably and healthfully.

But even if you know how important it is to have maintenance done, you might be tempted to skip it. After all, it’s another cost to incur, and if your heater is on the newer side, who cares, right?

We really want to encourage our customers to put this notion aside and consider what they can save by having maintenance done, versus what maintenance will cost them. Because the truth is, skipping maintenance will cost you a lot more. Read on to learn the true cost of not maintaining your heater this fall.

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Beware These Potential End-Of-Season Heating Repair Needs

Monday, February 8th, 2021

animated-checklistThe groundhog may have just predicted last week that we’ll have 6 more weeks of winter, but we know as well as anyone that could go either way. When temperatures start warming up again, homeowners throughout Brentwood and beyond will look forward to shutting off their heaters and furnaces for the season and not giving them a second thought! The question is though, could this be a mistake?

We mean not giving your heater a second thought. If it’s been showing signs of disrepair, ignoring it could leave you with one of two (or both) very big problems: either a broken down heater the next time you go to use it when temperatures cool down again, or a broken down air conditioner due to a problem that affects both systems (such as damaged ductwork or a miscalibrated thermostat). To understand more about dual-system issues, explore our guide on repair or replace your boiler system.

So, what signs should you want out for? Read on as we uncover a few of them!

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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore These Furnace Sounds!

Monday, January 25th, 2021

woman-covering-ears-to-avoid-hearingYour furnace makes noise. There’s no denying this fact, nor is there denying that there’s no such thing as a completely silent heater. There have certainly been advances in technology throughout the years that has made these systems quieter, but you’re always going to hear the unit cycle on and off, and air whooshing through the ventilation system. You may even hear a gentle rattling as the temperatures fluctuate inside your ductwork and cause your air ducts to shift a big.

But even though your furnace isn’t silent, there are some noises you should pay attention to, and give us a call when you hear them. Pretty much anything out of the ordinary sounds you hear on a daily basis should be cause for alarm, but we’ve shared some specifics below. Read on as we uncover some common noises a furnace in disrepair may make, and why you shouldn’t ignore them. For more details on unusual furnace sounds, check out 3 furnace sounds that mean something spooky is happening.

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Heating System Care: How to Increase Efficiency and Decrease Repair Needs!

Monday, January 11th, 2021

technician-using-flashlight-to-look-at-wiring-in-furnaceWinter is officially here, and it’s important to be prepared! It goes without saying that our winter seasons are downright chilly, and you need a fully functional and efficiently operating heating system to keep you comfortable.

Having a great heater in place is about a number of things—reliability, efficacy, and efficiency! You want a heating system that will operate as efficiently as possible—otherwise you can find yourself paying far too much for that heating. Additionally, an inefficient heater often means a heater in disrepair. Letting a heating system operate this way for too long can result in much bigger repair needs and potentially even premature replacement. What can you do about all this? Read on to find out!

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Is a Cracked Heat Exchanger in my Furnace an Emergency?

Monday, December 28th, 2020

furnace-jetsLet’s put it this way—a cracked heat exchanger is not a minor repair need by any means. If you’re using a gas furnace to heat your home this winter, then you need to be aware of the things that can go wrong.

Before we continue, it’s worth mentioning that a gas furnace is not inherently dangerous. But when it’s ignored, ill-maintained, or even aged passed the point of its useful service life (10-15 years, depending on the manufacturer) it can become hazardous.

The same can be said for any gas-powered appliance, as they all have the potential to develop safety issues. While these systems do have a special feature to turn the system off if something malfunctions inside the system, a heat exchanger crack can be subtle and insidious. Read on to learn more!

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Have You Scheduled a Furnace Tune-Up Yet?

Monday, November 30th, 2020

furnace-jets-firing-upWhen is the best time of year to schedule a furnace tune-up? Well, many HVAC professionals, including our team, will tell you that it’s fall—so, right now! But something that’s much more important than the time of year you have this service done is how consistently you have it done. We do recommend fall because this is right before you will need your heater the most. If you commit to this service once a year though, you’ll be sure to keep your heater in good shape.

During your furnace maintenance tune-up, our professionals comprehensively clean the system, inspect all the components to ensure proper functionality, adjust parts as needed, and alert you to any repair needs that require attention. All of this benefits you in the following ways.

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3 Furnace Sounds That Mean Something Spooky Is Happening

Monday, October 5th, 2020

woman-standing-on-yellow-background-holding-hand-to-ear-to-listenWith temperatures cooling down, it’s just about time to shut off our AC’s for the season and turn our attention to our heating systems. With the full-time use they’re about to start getting, now is the best time to address any repair needs your heating system might have. The best way to determine if you need repairs is to schedule a maintenance tune-up.

During maintenance, our technicians thoroughly inspect your system inside and out. We look for any components that need adjusting, or possibly even repair. If repairs are needed, we’ll alert you to them right away so you can get them on your schedule.

What if you already had furnace maintenance though, or what if you haven’t scheduled it quite yet, and you notice your furnace making a funny noise? The short answer to this is “call a professional!” which we do encourage you to do. In the meantime, we’ve uncovered below just a few of the spookiest sounds you might hear coming from your furnace, and what those sounds mean. For additional advice on handling unexpected heating system issues, check out our guide on before heating repair.

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4 Reasons It’s Not Too Early to Schedule Heating Maintenance

Monday, August 24th, 2020


It may seem like it’s way too early to even think about our heaters. After all, this past week was in the mid-high 80s! Yet, there is no denying that once October hits, it’s pretty clear that cooler temps are here to stay. When that happens, you want to ensure you have a fully effective and highly efficient heating system to keep your household warm, comfortable, healthy, and safe.

We usually recommend that folks schedule this important heating service in the Fall, before they need their systems the most. The key here is consistency–we would like to see you scheduling your furnace or heat pump maintenance every year or every 6 months, respectively. Yes, it’s best to schedule your heater maintenance when temps are still on the warmer side, but it’s better to have it done routinely than not at all! Wondering why? Read on!

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Taking Care of Your Furnace Before the Season Ends

Monday, March 9th, 2020

technician-working-on-furnaceFor the most part, the weather in our area is relatively predictable throughout the year. As we transition into spring, however, it really could go either way. We may start seeing much warmer temperatures in just a couple of weeks, or we could have some more cold weather ahead. If the former occurs, you’ll likely be tempted to turn off your furnace for the season and not give it another though. However, if you have repair needs, delaying them could leave you with a headache and a costly repair bill.

Ignoring any sort of heating system malfunction can cause it to turn into a much bigger problem, leaving you with a broken down heater next fall when you need the system the most, or depending on the circumstances even a malfunctioning air conditioner—for example if the problem is a ductwork or an air filter problem.

But how do you know when you actually have furnace problems that need managing? We’ve provided some helpful signs below.

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