Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

7 Ways to Cold & Flu Proof Your Home

Monday, January 16th, 2023

If you have small children in your home then you are likely well aware that it is cold and flu season. Hopefully, you’ve stocked up on plenty of medicines if the worst should happen and someone becomes ill.

Even if you don’t have children, you likely don’t want to get sick. And with many people still spending a large amount of time in their homes, it makes sense that you’d want to consider when aspects of your home can or can’t protect you from the microscopic threats in the air. Improving your indoor air quality can help along with some of the other tips we’ve listed here.

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How Dry Indoor Air Impacts Your Respiratory Health

Monday, January 2nd, 2023

While the winter season sees more rain and snow, it can also be a time when we encounter uncomfortably dry air. The idea of adding moisture to your home after battling it all summer may feel counterintuitive. However, adding some humidity to your house can make a positive difference in your overall comfort.

Rather than going around the house with a spray bottle, we’d like to turn your attention to the whole house humidifier. This system can be your main helper in balancing the air in your home and combating all the discomforts that overly dry air can create.

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5 Products Every Allergy Sufferer Needs to Know About

Monday, April 11th, 2022

When you hear the phrase “indoor allergies,” you probably think of dust. And sure, dust is a very common irritant for allergy sufferers, but it’s certainly not the only particle or contaminant in the air that can impact you as an allergy or asthma sufferer.

It’s also important to remember that “indoor air quality” doesn’t just refer to the temperature of your home. Today’s indoor air quality solutions are designed to make homes healthier, not just more comfortable. In fact, there are 5 products in particular that can help allergy sufferers, and just about anyone else in your household. Read on to learn more about them!

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HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

Monday, March 14th, 2022

You may be wondering how your HVAC system can have anything to do with your furry, four-legged pal, or vice-versa. But actually, having a pet can have a huge impact on not only your HVAC system but your overall air quality. Keeping your pet clean, changing the air filters, and taking some important safety steps that we’ll cover below will all help you keep a safe and healthy home for your pet(s) as well as the human members of your household!

Read on as we share some of our top HVAC maintenance tips for pet owners.

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The Importance of Good Insulation in Your Home

Monday, January 17th, 2022

Did you know that insulation isn’t just for the wintertime? When homeowners think about drafty homes, they typically imagine cold air sneaking in on already chilly days. But what if we told you that insulation can help on hot days, too? Finding ways to keep cool air inside during the summer and hot air inside during the winter is integral to your comfort all year long.

Your level of insulation is one of many of the things we check when we perform what’s called an energy audit, where we look at where your heat transfer opportunities are. When we talk about heat transfer, we mean the transfer of heat through the spaces of your home, whether outside or inside.

Read on as we go into further detail on how good insulation helps your home, and whether your home may need better insulation to keep things comfortable throughout the year.

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Common Heating Mistakes that are Costing You

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

Did you know that the way you use your heating system could be costing you way more money than it should? Sure, your utility bills are going to rise in the fall and winter–this is expected in our area. But your bills shouldn’t be drastically higher.

Read on as we uncover some common heating mistakes you might unintentionally be making, and how to use your heater as efficiently as possible.

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What’s the Best Humidity Level for My Home?

Monday, December 20th, 2021

During the summer, you don’t want too much humidity. As you’ve probably discovered, too much of it makes you feel really uncomfortable–hotter than the temperature reading on your thermostat it seems like, right? This is because moisture helps you retain heat. Moisture also encourages the growth of mold and mildew in the home, leading to potential property damage.

In the winter, however, it’s possible to have too little humidity. Dry air causes just as many problems as air with too much moisture in it, unfortunately. It leads to static shock, lowered immunity, and cracked wood in homes as everything dries out. There must be a happy medium though, right?

Of course there is! The ideal relative humidity level in any given home is between 30%- 50%… anything lower than that 30% is considered too dry. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it–have a whole-house humidifier professionally installed. Read on to learn more about the benefits of doing this!

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What Type of Humidifier Is Best for Your Needs?

Monday, August 16th, 2021

In our previous blog post, we covered the indoor air quality additions that would be best for your home as we head into fall. In the most ideal situation, this would be a combination of a whole-house media filter, a UV air purifier, and a humidifier. But not just any humidifier! A whole-house humidifier.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with a portable humidifier. This is a great option for a single room, particularly if it’s a young child’s room, or you’re putting it in the room of someone who is ill with a cold. But if your entire home’s relative humidity level is below 30% (the ideal range is 30-50%) then you need a little more “umph”… in the form of a whole-house system. Read on as we uncover the many benefits of this indoor air quality installation.

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5 Harmful Effects of High Humidity

Monday, July 5th, 2021

Did you know that your central air conditioner works as a natural dehumidifier? The problem with this is, that’s not what your central air conditioner was designed for. You actually need a lot of help to get your indoor relative humidity to a level that’s not only comfortable, but healthy, for your entire household.

A professionally installed, whole-house dehumidifier is the answer this this need. Not only will this installation help improve your comfort, but it can also help keep your home and property healthy, and keep your air conditioner performing as efficiently as possible.

Unsure if you really need such a system? Well, if your home has a relative humidity level of above 50% in the summer (which most Pittsburgh area homes do), then the answer is yes! But if you’re still unconvinced, we invite you to read on as we uncover 5 harmful effects of high humidity.

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Here’s Your Spring Cleaning Checklist!

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerWhen you see something about spring cleaning, you likely envision dusting and decluttering your home. Maybe you bag up some stuff to donate and call it a day. These tasks will certainly help you enjoy your home more, but we have a slightly different idea of what spring cleaning looks like.

For our professionals, spring cleaning means investing in home services and completing home maintenance tasks that will keep your household running as efficiently as possible. This improves your family’s comfort and contributes to lower monthly energy bills. Read on as we uncover our version of a spring cleaning checklist.

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