Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Do You Need a Whole-Home Air Purifier?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

woman-leaning-back-on-chair-comfortableIf you’ve ever wondered if a whole-home air purifier will benefit your household, the answer is probably yes. Why? Because the quality of your indoor air could quite possibly be worse than that of the air outdoors.

Homeowners today are hyper-aware that it’s important to stay healthy inside their homes, and for good reason. While indoor air quality has become of a bit of a buzzword lately, it’s always been important. It’s one of those things you should care very much about. And our goal is to help you understand this as well as how a whole-home air purifier will help.

Keep in mind, while a big part of the focus these days on air purifiers is the prevention of virus transmission, there is no indoor air quality product that will completely eliminate this problem. But installing a whole-home air purifier will certainly help mitigate your risk.

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Do You Need to Add Humidity to Your Home?

Monday, November 16th, 2020

woman-in-sweats-hugging-pillow-looking-coldIt’s no secret that the fall and winter seasons bring some pretty chilly temperatures to our area. You’re probably already dreading going out to your car in the morning if you’re traveling to work, school, or errands. But at least you have your nice, comfortable home to return to at the end of the day, right?

What if your home isn’t as comfortable as it could be when temperatures have dropped? Does it signal a heater problem? Well, it could. But oftentimes it’s not actually your furnace or heat pump that’s the problem, but rather the lack of humidity in your home.

While summertime brings excess moisture and makes us feel a lot warmer than it actually is outside, wintertime does the opposite. The good news is, there’s something you can do about it! Contact us about installing a whole-house humidifier in your home.

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3 Ways to Breathe Cleaner Air for a Healthier Home

Monday, October 19th, 2020

woman-blowing-noseYou might not realize this, but there’s a very good chance that your indoor air quality is worse than that of outdoors. At least, this is true if your home doesn’t have the right indoor air quality products and services in place. And it’s especially true if you have a newer home. This is because homes today are built very tightly to allow for optimal HVAC efficiency—great news for your air conditioner or heater, but not so great for your allergy or asthma symptoms!

Fortunately, there are a number of indoor air quality solutions that can help with this! When you run either one of your HVAC units, they do draw in air, but the air filters that are in place aren’t designed to remove a high level of contaminants—those air filters are simply meant to protect the HVAC systems themselves. It’s time to look beyond the standard HVAC air filter! Consider these 3 methods to improve indoor air quality.

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Is the Air You Breathe Indoors Actually Healthy?

Monday, June 15th, 2020

woman-sitting-in-modern-living-room-enjoying-comfortThe official start of summer is just around the corner, and with us spending so much time indoors lately, you surely want to try to be as comfortable as possible. This starts with making sure your air conditioner is well maintained of course. If you haven’t scheduled spring maintenance yet, it’s not too late!

Indoor comfort, however, also has a lot to do with the quality of the air you breathe. Regardless of the time of year or circumstances, poor indoor air quality is a large concern for homeowners. Virus transmission is a risk, and contaminants such as pollen, dust, and smoke can get trapped in the home and cause allergy and asthma complications. Long-term exposure to poor IAQ can produce chronic symptoms, too, like fatigue and respiratory distress.

The good news is, there are solutions to this! Read on to learn more.

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Does Your Heater Dry Out Your Air?

Monday, January 27th, 2020

white-question-mark-on-blue-backgroundMany homeowners believe that running their forced-air heating systems nonstop dries out their air and makes the indoor air quality poor, as a result. This isn’t entirely true, though, and we certainly don’t want you to start using your heater less as winter progresses. Dry air is definitely annoying, but restricting use of your heater won’t help your comfort.

In recent years, modern construction has meant that our homes are tightly sealed against the elements. This negatively impacts indoor air quality problems like dust infiltration. But dry air is a whole different ballgame.

Why is it such an issue, though? And what can you do to prevent it? When you work with a company that specializes in all HVAC services in Canonsburg, PA, including your indoor air quality needs, you can count on a quality answer. Our recommendation is the installation of a whole-house humidifier!

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Is Your Home Humid Enough?

Monday, November 18th, 2019

street-and-homes-in-philadelphiaWhen you live where we do, then you’re all too familiar with the experience of dry air. The missing moisture from the air can cause a host of problems in your home, especially this time of the year, as the temperatures cool and you need to use your heater more and more. Use of your HVAC systems actually help dehumidify your living space, exacerbating the problem with dry air and subsequent poor indoor air quality.

If you haven’t already taken advantage of a whole-house humidifier installation, the best time is now, while our current humidity levels are relatively balanced.

Chances are, you’ve seen portable humidifiers in drug stores, and you may even have one in your own home to help alleviate cold symptoms or allergy symptoms. But the whole-house humidifier tackles the root of the dry air problem.

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How Healthy Is the Air You Breathe?

Monday, July 1st, 2019

interior-of-homeWe’re not talking about the air outdoors—that comes with its own challenges. Your indoor air can actually be of worse quality than that of the outdoors, without the right indoor air quality products or services in place.

The “problem” is that homes today are built very tightly. This means that no air is allowed to escape out of crevices, or drafty windows or doors. Everything is sealed up quite nice, which is great news for the efficiency of your cooling and heating system! But it’s not the best news for any allergy or asthma sufferers in your household.

There are a number of indoor air quality products that might benefit you, but today we’re going to talk about the whole-home air purifier in Whitehall, PA, and why it surpasses portable air purifiers in improving the health of the air you breathe.

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“Does My Furnace Produce Dust and Allergens?”

Monday, February 25th, 2019

close-up-with-white-background-of-woman-blowing-her-noseNo, although this is a common misconception. Your furnace or ducted heat pump doesn’t produce dust any more than a boiler or a ductless system might. What your forced air heater does do, though, is circulate dust, allergens, and other debris throughout your home. That’s not to say you shouldn’t use your heater! It just means that you’ll need the right indoor air quality system(s) in place to combat this—such as a whole-house air purifier.

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Could Your Home Use a Humidifier?

Monday, November 19th, 2018

Beautiful young woman sitting by the window having hot drinkIf you’ve lived in the Pittsburgh area for even just a year, then you are probably well aware of how dry our winters can get. When you take that dryness and put it in your home, you could end up with a lot of problems. And the thing is, the relative humidity outdoors absolutely impacts the moisture levels indoors! The lowest humidity level before your environment starts getting uncomfortable (and unhealthy) is 30%—you want your home’s relative humidity level to be between this and 50%.

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An Air Purifier Can Improve Indoor Air Quality

Monday, July 16th, 2018

An air purifier is a device which removes contaminants from the air in a room. These devices are commonly marketed as being beneficial to allergy sufferers and asthmatics, and at reducing or eliminating second-hand tobacco smoke. Vector graphic.Were you aware that the quality of your indoor air can actually be worse than that of outdoors? In fact, this is the case in many homes—particularly those that aren’t equipped with the right indoor air quality products or haven’t invested in air quality services in the past.

Today’s residences are built with HVAC efficiency in mind—they’re built tight as to not let any conditioned air out or outside air in. This is great news for your heating and cooling costs each year, but not so fabulous for your air quality. Among the numerous products we have available to help combat this, however, is the air purifier.

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