Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Indoor Air Quality Solutions Should Be Tailored to Your Needs

Monday, June 18th, 2018

Window sill of a house in ruralNo matter what part of the Pittsburgh area you live in, there are aspects of the air quality in your area that are less than optimal. And whether allergens, contaminants, or humidity levels, your indoor air quality can actually end up being worse off than that of the outdoor air quality.

That said, not everyone will have the same indoor air quality needs as their neighbor. While one home may benefit from the installation of UV germicidal lights, another may have household members with allergies who need an air cleaner. No matter what it is that you’re in need of, you can turn to our team for quality indoor air quality solutions in Pittsburgh, PA.

Keep reading for an overview of some of your options!

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Why Whole-House Air Purifiers Are Better

Monday, June 4th, 2018

whole-house-air-purifierWhen thinking about air quality, you may be more focused on what’s in the air outside such as mold and pollen levels. In fact, indoor air quality (IAQ) is even more important. After all, most Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, and that percentage is even higher for those suffering from respiratory conditions or allergies. At the same time, IAQ has become more of a concern due to factors such as new building construction utilizing airtight features to increase energy conservation. That’s why if you’re going to invest in an air purifier, whole-house air purifiers are your best bet.  

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The Best In-Home Solutions for Pollen Allergies

Monday, April 10th, 2017

sneeze-woman-tissueDid you know that about 20% of Americans are allergic to pollen? If you are one of the millions, you might notice that your symptoms don’t discriminate based on location. Whether you are indoors or out, allergies can come up and bring you down, and this is particularly upsetting when you are in your own home.

Pollen allergies can act up anywhere—mostly because pollen can be just about anywhere. It travels well, moving easily in the air and into your lungs, but you may be able to take some control at home.

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Prepare Your Home for Spring Allergies

Monday, February 27th, 2017

cells-indoor-air-qualityEach year, you struggle to truly enjoy the beauty that spring brings as your allergies are at their worst. And, unfortunately, even when you step inside, it can be difficult to keep allergies under control. In fact, it’s possible for your air quality to be even worse inside than it is outside.

Most likely, you keep your home sealed up tightly as you run your air conditioning and heating systems. While this is better for efficiency, it allows contaminants to recirculate throughout your home, contributing to worsening symptoms and potentially making you sick. Prepare your home with the help of our expert indoor air quality tips.

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3 Reasons to Add a Humidifier to Your Home

Monday, January 16th, 2017

In the summer, high humidity is our biggest concern, making the air seem a lot warmer than it really is and weighing us down. But in the winter, low humidity is a far bigger concern. The air dries out for much of the season in certain parts of the country, and the heater in your home won’t help to add any moisture back.

You may need a separate humidifier, and we recommend a whole-home humidifier system that injects moisture through the ducts as you run the heating system. Here are 3 reasons to consider adding a humidifier into your home.

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How an Energy Audit Can Make Your Home Safer and Healthier

Monday, December 5th, 2016

We offer energy audit services, in large part to help local homeowners improve energy efficiency throughout their homes. After an energy audit, and after you make recommended changes to your home or HVAC system, the heating and cooling systems run more smoothly. That means lower monthly bills and a more comfortable home.

This is a primary reason to schedule this service—but not the only reason local homeowners ask about home energy audits. This service can also make your home a safer and healthier place.

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Is the Humidity Getting to You?

Monday, June 6th, 2016

In our area, humidity is sometimes worse than high temperatures. Temperatures outside might seem somewhat reasonable, but the presence of water vapor in the air adds to it. This isn’t to say that the temperature actually increases because of a high percentage of water vapor. It only means you feel like the temperature has increased.

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Do You Need Better Air Filtration?

Monday, April 25th, 2016

Most technicians recommend that you change the air filter in your HVAC system every 1-3 months, although this number can change based on how often you use your HVAC equipment and whether or not you have pets in the home. When it does come time to change your air filter, you might reach for the cheapest filter that fits into your HVAC system.

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Get New Indoor Air Quality Equipment for Spring

Monday, March 28th, 2016

Spring allergies can be a major pain, and they’re even worse when your air conditioner and heater seem to exaggerate the problem. You always hope that coming home to a climate-controlled space will make you feel more comfortable. But an HVAC system can often make things worse, pushing the air throughout the home so that any contaminants in the air, like dust and pollen, only continue to circulate.

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2 Things You Should Know about Your Home’s Air Filter

Monday, March 7th, 2016

An air filter is a vital component to your HVAC system, preventing pollutants from entering your indoor air. These pollutants include dirt, dust, tree pollen, smoke and more. Choosing the right air filtration system for your HVAC system can make a huge difference in the quality of air circulating through your home. Without proper filtration, your indoor air quality can actually be worse than the outdoor air quality of where you live. But is a simple air filter all you need? What should you know about your home’s air filter?

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