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Heating System Care: How to Increase Efficiency and Decrease Repair Needs!

Home | Blog | Published on January 11th, 2021

technician-using-flashlight-to-look-at-wiring-in-furnaceWinter is officially here, and it’s important to be prepared! It goes without saying that our winter seasons are downright chilly, and you need a fully functional and efficiently operating heating system to keep you comfortable.

Having a great heater in place is about a number of things—reliability, efficacy, and efficiency! You want a heating system that will operate as efficiently as possible—otherwise you can find yourself paying far too much for that heating. Additionally, an inefficient heater often means a heater in disrepair. Letting a heating system operate this way for too long can result in much bigger repair needs and potentially even premature replacement. What can you do about all this? Read on to find out!

Consider a Thermostat Upgrade

The thermostat that controls your HVAC systems certainly seems like a small component, right? Well, it has a big job! It might be small, but it’s basically the “brain” of both your heating and cooling units.

This component is responsible for allowing you to communicate with your home comfort systems. Upgrading to even the most basic digital thermostat—or even better, a smart or Wi-Fi thermostat, can help you begin to enjoy more efficient comfort.

Add Weatherstripping to Drafty Windows

The heat from your furnace or heat pump can escape out through cracks in drafty windows or doors. This means you’ll lose energy that you’re otherwise paying for.

Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to access and install basic weatherstripping to your windows and doors, making sure that the heat in your home stays in your home.

Utilize Your Ceiling Fans

Sure, this might seem like a strange tip to share in the wintertime. After all, it’s really for summer time than fans were even created. In the summer, you can use your ceiling fans along with your AC system to better distribute the cooled air throughout your home. This enables you to turn up the thermostat a few degrees, which gives your system the ability to operate more efficiently and saves you money.

This same concept applies to heaters in the winter! By reversing the direction of the fan blades with the simple flip of a switch at the center of the fan, you can help better distribute heat throughout your home. Which means you can turn the thermostat down and have more efficient and less costly operation. Plus, this means your heater can run less often, therefore decreasing wear and tear that can lead to repair needs.

Schedule Heating Maintenance!

If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to schedule heating maintenance! Maintenance is a service that should be done every year for a furnace or boiler, and twice a year for a heat pump system. It allows our technicians to thoroughly inspect your system. We clean the system inside and out, check for repair needs, and make necessary adjustments. All of this helps the heater perform more efficiently.

You may have heard that the “best” time to schedule heating maintenance is in the fall, before you actually need the system the most. This is true, however, consistency matters more than timing. As long as you’re keeping up on those annual or biannual tune-ups, you’ll keep your heater in great shape!

Looking for quality heater repair in Bethel Park, PA? Call the friendly staff at Boehmer Heating & Cooling for exceptional customer service!

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