How have your heating bills been so far this winter? Have they been surprisingly low or shockingly high? If it’s the latter, this blog post is for you! No one wants to pay more for something when they could be paying less.
Your home’s heating costs are dependent on a number of factors such as the insulation in your home, the quality of your ductwork, and how efficient your furnace is. When your furnace is running efficiently, it provides a whole host of benefits in addition to cutting your heating costs such as reducing the need for furnace repair. Let’s go over 5 important factors to be aware of so you can feel confident you’re paying the least amount of money on heating expenses.
1. Professional Maintenance
The best way to keep your heating costs down is through annual maintenance. In fact, this service practically pays for itself in savings on utility bills, fewer repairs, and reduced wear and tear on your system. Just like you take care of your car with regular tune-ups, your furnace needs an annual tune-up to ensure that it works efficiently to keep your utility bills in check.
2. Check Your Insulation
Your home’s insulation plays a huge role in how energy-efficient your home is. It doesn’t matter how efficient your furnace is if a large amount of the hot air it generates is lost to the outside because of poor insulation. A well-insulated home reduces the strain on a furnace by minimizing heat transfer between your home and the outdoors. If you’re not sure how well your home is insulated, we can help you find out.
3. Seal Those Air Ducts
The “V” in HVAC is in that acronym for a reason–your home’s ventilation is essential! You’d be shocked to learn how much of the hot air your furnace generates is lost to problematic ductwork that’s full of holes, leaks, and tears. It’s been estimated that the average home loses 30% of conditioned air to poor-quality ductwork.
4. Set the Thermostat No Higher Than 68º F
Sure, the lower you set your thermostat, the lower your heating costs will be. But you need to strike a balance between economy and comfort. The recommended winter setting for a thermostat is 68º F. If you can feel comfortable at a lower temperature, feel free to set the thermostat lower.
5. Upgrade Your Thermostat
Do you have an outdated thermostat? Today’s smart thermostats can really make a difference in your utility costs. You probably have a smartphone that makes your life easier in so many ways, so why not get a smart thermostat as well?
Say for example that you forget to lower the thermostat before you head to the office. You can lower the temperature via your phone if you have a Wi-Fi-enabled thermostat. It can also learn your heating patterns and automatically adjust your settings to maximize efficiency.
Call the friendly staff at Boehmer Heating & Cooling for exceptional customer service! Schedule furnace repair and services in Whitehall with our team today.