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Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog

Pittsburgh Heating Tip: Decisions to Make Prior to Your Furnace Installation

While summer and fall are excellent times to start planning a new furnace installation for your Pittsburgh area home, it’s never too early to start comparing the different models if you know that you will need to replace your furnace.

There are some decisions you will need to make prior to the furnace installation, such as what type of furnace you want to install and what features are most important to you. You can always call Boehmer Heating & Cooling for advice. Meanwhile, we’ve put together some things to think about as you start making these decisions.

You can begin making your decisions by monitoring your heating bills and paying attention to how well your current furnace is performing. Are you paying outrageously high heating bills? How did your furnace test during the annual tune-up? If you decide that you want a high-efficiency system, you’ll need to know how to read and compare the AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) percentages and why AFUE ratings matter when installing a new furnace.

It’s a good idea to begin speaking with your heating contractor about the different models on the market, and they should be able to help you select the most cost-efficient furnace for your home. You’ll also need to decide what type of fuel you want to use. For instance, if your home has access to natural gas, heating with a gas furnace is much easier than getting oil delivered, and if you switch over, you will also save space since there’s no tank involved. If you’re still weighing your options, consider whether a boiler or furnace is right for your Pittsburgh home.

Don’t hesitate to call Boehmer Heating & Cooling if you having any questions about installing a heating system in Pittsburgh! For further assistance, check out our tips on how to check if your HVAC system is the right size.

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