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This Ceiling Fan Hack will Keep Your Home Warmer in the Winter

Home | Blog | Published on December 19th, 2022

You may be confused by the idea of your home’s ceiling fans keeping you comfortable in the winter. After all, ceiling fans work hard throughout the summer to help you stay cool. How would the system that you use to keep things cooler on a hot day help you during the coldest months of the year?

Here’s the thing that you may not know about your ceiling fans. Switching up the way they move can help you enjoy better comfort in the winter too. Want to find out more? Then read on!

A Ceiling Fan “Hack” to Improve Comfort Without Added Costs

Ceiling fans are often used in the summer season to help cool down rooms in your home, so you are likely wondering how they can be used to improve your comfort in the winter. Decreasing the temperature during the coldest months of the year seems counterintuitive, right? Thankfully, you can use this “hack” to ensure your fans are actually able to help you.

This is less of a hack and more of a benefit of added knowledge. You can get your ceiling to reverse its rotation. This is important to know because simply switching the rotation of the fan blades can help push warm air down toward the people in the home, helping with the distribution of heat. Just remember to keep the fan set on low so that it helps with distribution without cooling you off.

Our Gift to You: More Cozy Energy-Saving Ideas

As you can guess, switching the direction of your fan’s rotation isn’t the only way that you can help improve your home comfort this season. As our gift to you during this season, we want to pass along some additional tips for keeping your home warmer without making your bills higher.

  • Let the light in. Allowing sunlight in through open window blinds or curtains can help heat up your home using radiant energy.
  • Make some hot food. Does the chilly weather have you thinking about baked good and hot, homemade soups? Now is the time to enjoy cooking a home-cooked meal. The ambient heat generated from your oven will warm up the home with the added bonus of warming your tummy.
  • Bundle up and turn the thermostat down. What is the setting on your thermostat? If it is above 68° then you may be paying a lot more for heat that you don’t necessarily need. Find a warm sweater, your favorite fuzzy socks, and some cozy base layers, and bundle up so that you can more easily turn down the thermostat. Also, remember that you can lower the thermostat even more at night when you’ll be snug under the bed covers!

Keeping warm shouldn’t be a cost-prohibitive endeavor. Work with our team to save money and enjoy a comfortable home all season. We can provide helpful advice to keep your home warm and we provide the heating services in Pittsburgh you need to keep your heater running effectively and efficiently.

Call the friendly staff at Boehmer Heating & Cooling for exceptional customer service!

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