You may be wondering how your HVAC system can have anything to do with your furry, four-legged pal, or vice-versa. But actually, having a pet can have a huge impact on not only your HVAC system but your overall air quality. Keeping your pet clean, changing the air filters, and taking some important safety steps that we’ll cover below will all help you keep a safe and healthy home for your pet(s) as well as the human members of your household!
Read on as we share some of our top HVAC maintenance tips for pet owners.
Check and Change Your HVAC Air FIlters
There is a common misconception that the standard air filters with your HVAC system are in place to protect your indoor air quality. They certainly don’t hurt your indoor air quality, but they are actually in place to protect your furnace and air conditioner’s sensitive components from dirt, dust, and other debris (like pet dander and pet hair) that can get in and harm those components.
Depending on the type of air filter you have in your HVAC systems, these filters should be checked for debris that can restrict airflow, and changed, every 1-3 months. We’re going to say that if you’re a pet owner and if your animal sheds hair, you’re best off checking the air filter once a month.
Properly Groom Your Pets
When air filters get too clogged up with debris, it makes it harder for your HVAC systems to do their job. The airflow is restricted, and so they struggle to get your indoor air to the desired temperature on your thermostat. As a result, they may run longer to try to compensate. This is highly inefficient and will cost you more in the long run. Plus, restricted airflow doesn’t make for a comfy home!
But your air filters won’t get clogged up as fast if you brush your pets regularly, and dispose of excess hair and fur so that it never has a chance to even reach the return grills and the air filters.
Keep a Clean Home
Pet dander is a huge allergen that is found in just about any home that has a cat or a dog. Using natural and fragrance free cleaning products not only keeps your furry friends safe, but it also helps improve your indoor air quality! Pet hair and dander can clog up not only the above-mentioned air filters, but your vents as well, so keeping a clean home can reduce the risk of discomfort, poor air quality, and more.
Upgrade Your Air Filters!
The air filters that come standard with your HVAC systems aren’t always top quality–in fact they rarely are. Upgrading to a whole-house air filtration system with HEPA filters can help keep your indoor air quality in great condition. Installing an air purifier can help too–this helps to eliminate things from the air such as pet dander and pet hair, in addition to contaminants and germs, keeping the human and animal members of your household healthy and comfortable.
To schedule your HVAC maintenance appointment or to learn more about your indoor air quality options, contact our team today!