Picking Out the Most Efficient HVAC System

October 23rd, 2017

money-saving-home-performanceEfficiency is more than just a buzzword. When your heating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are efficient, you know that they use a minimal amount of fuel or electricity, and you save more money in the long run. An efficient furnace or air conditioning system often costs more than one that is closer to the minimum federal rating, but that pays off in the long run.

What you save often offsets the cost of a brand-new highly efficient air conditioning or heating system, and financing may be available from your local contractor. That’s why it’s so important to work with the pros, but we have some advice to get you started with picking out the most efficient system for your needs.

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It’s Time for Annual Heater Maintenance!

October 9th, 2017

woman-by-heater-boiler-armAs we transition into cooler weather, technicians tend to catch a break, as AC systems are shut off and heating systems have barely started to run. You probably won’t be able to tell if your heating system is not working correctly quite yet (unless it’s completely broken down), so we don’t expect a lot of calls for heating repair or replacement until late fall or winter, when temperatures really begin to take a dive.

You might think that we’d be excited to get some relief from emergency AC and heating calls, but the truth is that we care about your heating system, your health, and your home. We don’t want you to have to make emergency heating calls in the winter, and we definitely don’t want you to risk your health and safety by putting off service. That’s why it’s time to call in technicians for annual heating maintenance!

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How to Find the Right HVAC Contractor for Your Home

September 25th, 2017

handshake-woman-technician-doorIt’s that time of year again: soon enough, HVAC companies all around the country (that’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning contractors) will be flooded with calls about heating service. Colder temperatures will lead to inevitable heating equipment failures, some of which may have been preventable.

That’s why we always recommend contacting a heating service technician as soon as possible. Early repair or replacement of heating equipment, along with a routine tune-up in the fall, helps to keep heating costs manageable and prevent you from dealing with a heating system breakdown when you can’t afford to wait for a technician.

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What You Should Know about Joining a Maintenance Plan

September 11th, 2017

Hand-signing-document-clipboard-homeWhile you might not get your car’s oil changed exactly when you should, you probably make it a point to aim to change your oil every 3 months or after 5,000 miles. You likely drive nearly every day, and you want to make sure your vehicle is as safe and fuel-efficient as possible. Many of us takes steps like these to protect the investments we care about, but some can fall by the wayside.

Take your heating and air conditioning systems, for example. You know these are major investments, and at some points in the year, they are practically necessities. And yet, it’s easy to forget that these systems require regular maintenance as well. Keep reading to learn more about air conditioning and heating maintenance—and how you can make it easy with a maintenance plan.

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Don’t Wait: Schedule End-of-Season Air Conditioning Repairs

August 28th, 2017

AC-repair-maintenanceAs the summer draws to a close in the upcoming weeks, you may still need your air conditioner for a bit longer. A heat wave can come at any time, and humidity levels can rise out of control. But if your air conditioner shows signs of slowing, you may be tempted to put off repairs until next year’s spring shows its head.

But we believe this is a mistake. Read on to find out how much worse your air conditioner can get the longer you wait, and why we think it’s in your best interest to make AC repairs ASAP. For more advise or to reach out to a qualified technician for your air conditioning repair in Bethel Park, PA, give us a call!

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Thermostat Habits that Raise Your Bills

August 14th, 2017

digital-thermostat-male-handMany people don’t give a second thought to how they set the thermostat. After owning a central air conditioner and heater for several years, how you set the thermostat becomes second nature. When it’s hot, you walk over to the thermostat and adjust the settings, and if you’re worried about your bills, you may raise the temperature.

It turns out that some of the most seemingly harmless thermostat habits can raise our bills quite a bit. In fact, even when we think we set the thermostat to help save money, we may actually do the opposite. Find out what habits you should consider changing below. Call our expert technicians to learn from the best!

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Here’s What You Should Know About AC Refrigerant

July 31st, 2017

ac-maintenance-air-conditioner-unit-toolsRefrigerant, a substance you may sometimes hear referred to by a name brand—Freon—is a necessary component of any conventional central AC system. There are a lot of misconceptions about refrigerant that cause some homeowners to assume problems exist where they don’t, or worse—that there is no problem when one does exist.

Your air conditioning system is charged with a set amount of refrigerant upon installation (which may not be “Freon” by name). We want to tell you more about the purpose of refrigerant and why low refrigerant may be more of a problem than you think.

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How Minor Issues in a Home Make AC Bills Higher

July 17th, 2017

ac-unit-moneyWhen your air conditioning bills are higher than usual, you may come to think that’s just the hand you’ve been dealt. After all, air conditioning equipment does become less efficient with time, and variations in the weather certainly have an effect on how much energy your system requires. While AC equipment and outdoor temperatures can certainly be at fault for your high bills, there may be other factors under your control.

Conditions within the home influence how well your air conditioner works, and these are often things that can be repaired. Check out some of the home troubles that can make energy bills soar, and call our team to help you get the changes you need.

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Why Every Air Conditioner Needs Routine Maintenance

July 3rd, 2017

ac-top-condenser-fanWe know that calling an air conditioning technician may be considered a hassle to some. Many people only consider calling in a technician when an air conditioner is showing signs of breaking down or has already quit working. Some of our customers don’t know that air conditioning maintenance is an option.

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Give Your AC System a Break This Summer with These Tips

June 19th, 2017

man-fan-hatWe know how much you’d love to run the air conditioner at full blast all day when it starts to get hot and humid outside. However, this simply is not doable when you factor in the cost of energy. Besides, running your air conditioner all day long would really wear out the system, potentially forcing it to fail far sooner than expected and to require frequent repairs. Your system is designed to cycle off for long periods of time because your air conditioner needs a break!

Give your system a bit of a break this summer by following our expert tips and by calling our thorough, experienced team for all of your air conditioning needs in Pittsburgh.

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