HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

March 14th, 2022

You may be wondering how your HVAC system can have anything to do with your furry, four-legged pal, or vice-versa. But actually, having a pet can have a huge impact on not only your HVAC system but your overall air quality. Keeping your pet clean, changing the air filters, and taking some important safety steps that we’ll cover below will all help you keep a safe and healthy home for your pet(s) as well as the human members of your household!

Read on as we share some of our top HVAC maintenance tips for pet owners.

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8 Questions to Ask Before You Hire an HVAC Company

February 28th, 2022

When you hire an HVAC company, you don’t want to work with just any ol’ contractor you find online. You want to make sure they’re qualified for the job, experienced, and that they won’t lead you astray by making expensive mistakes.

It can be hard though, to discern a truly professional HVAC professional from an amateur, if you’ve never had to deal with a choice like deciding between HVAC contractors. Fortunately, we’ve provided you with 8 of the top questions you should ask to ensure you’re getting set up with the right team. Read on!

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Will Closing HVAC Vents in Unused Rooms Save Me Money?

February 14th, 2022

One of the most common questions we get from our customers is in regards to the best ways to save money. How can they lower their energy usage, how can they use their systems more efficiently, and yes even will closing their HVAC vents in unused rooms save them money?

We’ll dive into all of this—but the short answer to “will closing HVAC vents save me money” is no. Actually, this can do more harm than good to your HVAC system, which we will explain in a moment.

The best way to save money starts with having a home energy audit done. This is when our professionals come in and assess where you may be losing energy, whether it’s through drafty windows and doors, damaged air ducts, etc. From there, we can look at the best ways for you to conserve that energy, including informing you of the best HVAC systems for your specific home. Read on to learn more!

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The Importance of Good Insulation in Your Home

January 17th, 2022

Did you know that insulation isn’t just for the wintertime? When homeowners think about drafty homes, they typically imagine cold air sneaking in on already chilly days. But what if we told you that insulation can help on hot days, too? Finding ways to keep cool air inside during the summer and hot air inside during the winter is integral to your comfort all year long.

Your level of insulation is one of many of the things we check when we perform what’s called an energy audit, where we look at where your heat transfer opportunities are. When we talk about heat transfer, we mean the transfer of heat through the spaces of your home, whether outside or inside.

Read on as we go into further detail on how good insulation helps your home, and whether your home may need better insulation to keep things comfortable throughout the year.

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Common Heating Mistakes that are Costing You

January 3rd, 2022

Did you know that the way you use your heating system could be costing you way more money than it should? Sure, your utility bills are going to rise in the fall and winter–this is expected in our area. But your bills shouldn’t be drastically higher.

Read on as we uncover some common heating mistakes you might unintentionally be making, and how to use your heater as efficiently as possible.

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What’s the Best Humidity Level for My Home?

December 20th, 2021

During the summer, you don’t want too much humidity. As you’ve probably discovered, too much of it makes you feel really uncomfortable–hotter than the temperature reading on your thermostat it seems like, right? This is because moisture helps you retain heat. Moisture also encourages the growth of mold and mildew in the home, leading to potential property damage.

In the winter, however, it’s possible to have too little humidity. Dry air causes just as many problems as air with too much moisture in it, unfortunately. It leads to static shock, lowered immunity, and cracked wood in homes as everything dries out. There must be a happy medium though, right?

Of course there is! The ideal relative humidity level in any given home is between 30%- 50%… anything lower than that 30% is considered too dry. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it–have a whole-house humidifier professionally installed. Read on to learn more about the benefits of doing this!

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4 Dangers of DIY Furnace Repairs

December 6th, 2021

So let’s say that your furnace isn’t acting the way it should. And then let’s say you were lucky enough to find a video tutorial online that will help you fix this exact problem. Hey, no worries that the furnace in the video isn’t the same model, or that the person leading the video isn’t an HVAC pro! All you need is that video, some gloves, maybe a welding torch…

This is where we have to stop you.

Look, it’s not that we don’t have faith in your ability to pull off a DIY job, it’s just that we don’t think HVAC systems should ever be involved in a DIY job. After all, there’s a reason HVAC technicians get an education and specialized training to be able to work on these systems. Read on as we uncover 4 dangers of DIY furnace repairs.

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6 Ways to Improve Furnace Efficiency

November 22nd, 2021

Saving money might not seem like an easy thing to do when temps drop below freezing and you need your heater to do its magic. Your HVAC systems account for about half of all your home’s energy use, and you can’t exactly stop using it to save energy and improve efficiency.

The good news is, you don’t have to! There are some simple ways for you to boost heating efficiency, and therefore spend less on not only your monthly utility bills, but surprise repair needs, too! Read on to learn what these methods are.

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Winter’s 5 Hidden Dangers in Your Home & How to Avoid Them

November 8th, 2021

Boehmer Heating & Cooling has been in business for over 85 years, and throughout that time, three generations of the Boehmer family have pioneers home performance solutions for our customers throughout Pittsburgh and beyond, that increase in-home comfort, health, and most importantly, safety.

We’re committed to keeping our customers protected no matter what time of the year it is, but winter presents some specialized risks that most folks don’t consider. Read on as we uncover 5 potential hidden dangers in your home, and how to avoid them!

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Holiday Home Safety Checklist

October 25th, 2021

It may seem a little early to be talking about the holidays, but like it or not they are right around the corner. That said, the time to start thinking about your holiday home safety is now. What do we mean by this?

Well, there are some steps you should take to ensure that the events and festivities you enjoy during this time of year don’t do your household harm. This includes:

  • Installating/Maintaining a Whole-Home Generator
  • Changing the Batteries in Your Smoke and CO Detectors
  • Having Your Furnace Tuned-Up
  • Not Overloading Your Home with Holiday Lights

Read on as we dive a little deeper into each step on this checklist!

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