Uneven Home Temperatures: Solved!

October 11th, 2021

How long have you been dealing with uneven temperatures in your home? You know–in the summertime, you have that room you just can’t cool down, and in the winter you have that other room that is basically a refrigerator. This is pretty unacceptable if you ask us!

Fortunately, we can solve this problem for you! It starts with a home energy audit. This is when our home performance experts come in and assess your home to see where you might have some energy loss opportunities. This can come in the form of drafty doors and windows, HVAC ductwork leaks, and more. Read on to learn more!

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Should I Cover My Air Conditioner Before Winter?

September 27th, 2021

When it comes to caring for your air conditioner, the first thing on your mind is probably spring maintenance. And yes, this is a very important part of keeping your AC system functioning as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible! But it’s only part of the equation.

True, you do not need your air conditioner in the winter. So that means you can just forget about it for a season, right? Well, not quite. There are actually some things you can do to prepare your system for winter so that you can rely on it working well for you next spring.

Yes, covering your air conditioner is one of these steps. We’ll dive into that more below! First, we want to outline some steps you should take before putting that cover on the outside unit (the condenser unit) of your air conditioner. Read on…

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The Cost of Not Maintaining Your Heating System

September 13th, 2021

We probably don’t need to tell you just how important a well-functioning heating system is in our part of the country. We can deal with some pretty harsh winters, which can sometimes stretch into spring. A home’s heating system–no matter what type–is vital to helping your family getting through the cooler months comfortably and healthfully.

But even if you know how important it is to have maintenance done, you might be tempted to skip it. After all, it’s another cost to incur, and if your heater is on the newer side, who cares, right?

We really want to encourage our customers to put this notion aside and consider what they can save by having maintenance done, versus what maintenance will cost them. Because the truth is, skipping maintenance will cost you a lot more. Read on to learn the true cost of not maintaining your heater this fall.

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Snowbirds Checklist: Tips for Preparing Your Vacant Home for Winter

August 30th, 2021

You might be wondering, after seeing the title of this blog post, “why on earth are they talking about winter already?”

Don’t worry, we get it! It’s still blazing hot in most parts of the country and we’re all still using our air conditioners on a pretty regular basis.

But the fact of the matter is if you plan to vacate your home for an extended period of time this coming fall or winter, now is the perfect time to talk about how to prepare for that. Specifically, how to prepare your home for that—so that you can come back to a comfortable and reliable living space when you return. Read on as we go through a checklist of tips for how to prepare your vacant home for winter.

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What Type of Humidifier Is Best for Your Needs?

August 16th, 2021

In our previous blog post, we covered the indoor air quality additions that would be best for your home as we head into fall. In the most ideal situation, this would be a combination of a whole-house media filter, a UV air purifier, and a humidifier. But not just any humidifier! A whole-house humidifier.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with a portable humidifier. This is a great option for a single room, particularly if it’s a young child’s room, or you’re putting it in the room of someone who is ill with a cold. But if your entire home’s relative humidity level is below 30% (the ideal range is 30-50%) then you need a little more “umph”… in the form of a whole-house system. Read on as we uncover the many benefits of this indoor air quality installation.

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Assessing Your Indoor Air Quality for Back-to-School Time

August 2nd, 2021

For many households, “back-to-school” time might actually mean “back-to-homeschool” time. Even if your kiddos are going back to the classroom, surely you’d like your home to be as healthy as possible for when they’re inside the house! Fortunately, there are a number of improvements you can make within your household to ensure this is the case. We provide a number of indoor air quality products and services to help make your indoor air more breathable, comfortable, and better overall.

Read on as we uncover some indoor air quality additions you can make to your home:

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Do Smart Thermostats Really Save Money?

July 19th, 2021

The short answer to this is, “yes,” but don’t worry, we’ll elaborate!

Thermostats are one of those home comfort devices you likely don’t give a lot of thought to. If it’s working, it’s fine, right?

Sure, your current programmable thermostat may do the basics, like allowing you to set and adjust the temperature of your home. But what if you didn’t have to pay as much for your cooling and heating, and what if your thermostat choice could impact this?

It can! New, high-tech smart thermostats are capable of much more than simply adjusting the temperature of your home. For such an affordable upgrade, you can enjoy a number of benefits. So if you currently have an aging thermostat, or if you have just moved into a new home and you’re not sure how old the HVAC thermostat is, it’s a good idea to consider an upgrade. It may seem like a minor change, but it can have big implications. Read on to learn more!

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5 Harmful Effects of High Humidity

July 5th, 2021

Did you know that your central air conditioner works as a natural dehumidifier? The problem with this is, that’s not what your central air conditioner was designed for. You actually need a lot of help to get your indoor relative humidity to a level that’s not only comfortable, but healthy, for your entire household.

A professionally installed, whole-house dehumidifier is the answer this this need. Not only will this installation help improve your comfort, but it can also help keep your home and property healthy, and keep your air conditioner performing as efficiently as possible.

Unsure if you really need such a system? Well, if your home has a relative humidity level of above 50% in the summer (which most Pittsburgh area homes do), then the answer is yes! But if you’re still unconvinced, we invite you to read on as we uncover 5 harmful effects of high humidity.

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Air Conditioner Not Cooling? 5 DIY Fixes to Try

June 21st, 2021

There are a number of issues that could potentially afflict your cooling system, and require professional air conditioner repair in Pittsburgh, PA. As we head into summer and temperatures warm up even more, it’s important to make sure that your AC is prepared. Hopefully, you had maintenance done so you can be alerted to any repair needs before they grow into emergency problems, such as a complete system breakdown. Tune-ups are also vital to avoiding problems like a system that won’t cool.

This is understandably frustrating—your air conditioner has one job, right? If it can’t cool, then all you’re doing is paying to use a system that’s not even able to keep you comfortable. What can you do? Read on as we uncover 5 DIY methods you can use when you have a malfunctioning air conditioner.

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8 Ways to Cut Your Energy Bill This Summer

June 7th, 2021

As temperatures begin to spike here in the Pittsburgh area, we probably don’t need to tell you that it is time to ensure your air conditioner is well-prepared for the heat. Not only that but now is the perfect time to ensure you’re using all your home comfort systems and appliances as efficiently as possible. After all, who wants to pay more than necessary on their energy bills this summer?

One of the first steps in doing this is having an energy audit completed, which we’ll dive into more below. Another is making sure your air conditioner is well maintained. Read on as we cover these and more tips on how to cut yoru energy bills this summer!

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