Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Pittsburgh Air Conditioning Tip: Why Hire a NATE-Certified Professional

Monday, April 29th, 2013

As the summer approaches in Pittsburgh, you may be thinking about upgrading your AC, or perhaps simply calling for some minor repairs or maintenance. It’s important that you hire a NATE-certified professional for any work done on your home cooling system. NATE stands for North American Technician Excellence. Founded in 1997, and headquartered in Arlington, VA, NATE is the largest and most widely recognized certification organization for the HVAC industry, including air conditioning installation, repair, and maintenance. NATE certification gives you confidence that the work to be done on your home is of superior quality, and that your tech has the latest skills and knowledge. For more information, or to schedule Pittsburgh air conditioning services, call Boehmer Heating & Air Conditioning today!

Let’s take a look at why you should hire a NATE-certified professional:

  • Training: NATE-certified technicians have to pass a rigorous examination, which, in combination with conscientious on-the-job training and practical application, gives them the fundamentals of safety, tools, construction, science, mathematics, measurements, and basic electrics. The AC specialization exam gives the NATE-certified tech a comprehensive test about AC plumbing (brazing, flare fittings, soldering), ductwork, electrical systems, leak detection, and measuring airflow, among other subjects.
  • Confidence: The NATE logo is a standard of excellence and consumer confidence. It helps you sift through the many AC contractors available in your area so that you can receive the best possible AC service for your home. This gives you peace of mind, so that you know your home is in good hands.
  • Up-to-date know-how: A standard NATE certification lasts 5 years. One of the reasons why NATE certification is highly prized is due to its recertification policy, which ensures that NATE AC techs are up to date on the latest technology and industry equipment. This is important. It allows you to take advantage of the latest developments in energy efficiency and cooling performance so that you can make an informed decision.

Still unconvinced? Talk to a NATE-certified professional at Boehmer Heating & Cooling for excellent Pittsburgh air conditioning services! 

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Pittsburgh Air Conditioning Question: When Is It Time to Replace My AC?

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

There are numerous factors affecting the decision to replace your air conditioning system. You may be impelled by necessity: your old AC may have simply stopped working one day, and no amount of tinkering would make it turn on. Whatever your reason for considering replacement, you need to receive a professional diagnosis in order to evaluate your unique situation appropriately. That said, there are some common signs that may indicate you need to replace your air conditioner, rather than to continue repairing it. We’d like to look at a few such reasons. For more information about our Pittsburgh air conditioning replacement services, contact a professional at Boehmer Heating & Cooling today!

  • Frequent repairs: This is the most common reason to pursue replacement. When your AC needs professional repair on a regular basis, then it may be time to consider upgrading to a new model. We rely on our air conditioners throughout the hot and humid summer, and a major breakdown in the middle of the summer may be an irritating disruption you want to avoid. Pre-emptively replacing your unit puts you in control of your home comfort.
  • Old AC: If your AC has seen better days, it’s probably a good time to upgrade. Over time, whether due to neglect or general wear and tear, your AC components will start to break down. Your old AC may take a long time to cool your home, or it may fail to cool your home at all. These are all issues when you need reliable and effective cooling during the hot months.
  • Energy efficiency: Today’s air conditioning systems are much more energy efficient than those of even just 10 years ago. This is an important factor when considering whether to repair or replace. Consult with your local professional to see how much you might save in the long-term by upgrading to a new central air system, or by taking advantage of geothermal technology.

When you need air conditioning replacement service in Pittsburgh, call the experts at Boehmer Heating & Cooling today!

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Signs of Wear and Tear on your Pittsburgh Air Conditioning System

Monday, April 15th, 2013

As we slowly make our way towards the heat and humidity of another cooling season, homeowners in the Pittsburgh area are starting up their air conditioners to make sure that they are ready when those hot days hit. When you take a look at your own AC this spring, keep an eye and an ear out for signs of wear and tear. If your system is over 10 years old, or seems to require frequent repairs, then it may be a sign your air conditioning system is in need of professional maintenance or repair. Call Boehmer Heating & Cooling for details.

  • AC short-cycles:  If your AC turns on and off frequently, then it is not completing entire cycles of circulating refrigerant through the coils and the compressor. This may lead to inadequate cooling, or it may lead to uneven cooling.  It’s a highly inefficient way for your AC to operate, and tends only to increase the general wear and tear on your system.
  • Inadequate cooling: If your AC no longer cools as it did last year, or if the air emerging from the ducts does not seem to match your desired temperature, there could be a range of problems. First, make sure your thermostat is properly calling for cooling, and also check the air filter in the air handler to make sure it’s not clogged or excessively dirty. If neither of those aspects are the problem, then it may be a result of a low level of refrigerant in your AC or an airflow problem. 
  • Strange or unusual noise: Listen to your AC. If you hear a hissing, banging, buzzing, grinding, or any sound that seems unusual, then take heed. For instance, buzzing can often indicate a serious electrical problem, while grinding can indicate dry bearings in your blower motor.

These are just a few of the signs of wear and tear on your air conditioning system. Call Boehmer Heating & Cooling for exceptional AC repair and maintenance in the Pittsburgh area. 

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Pittsburgh Air Conditioning Maintenance Tip: Benefits of AC Maintenance

Monday, April 8th, 2013

While it’s not yet hot enough to begin using our air conditioning in Pittsburgh, spring is an excellent time to think about air conditioning maintenance and its potential benefits. While installing an appropriately sized system and making sure it has an excellent SEER rating are both important factors in energy efficiency and cooling performance, maintenance is the key to long-term reliability. It’s estimated that neglected air conditioners lose about 5% of their efficiency every year of use. You need professional care on a regular basis to ensure you get the most for your money. For Pittsburgh air conditioning maintenance, call Boehmer Heating & Cooling today!

Here are a few benefits of air conditioning maintenance:

  • Improved energy efficiency: Efficiency measures the cooling output against the electrical energy input. Due to the ever-rising energy costs, homeowners and business’ alike are looking for ways to maximize the energy efficiency of their cooling systems. Routine inspection, cleaning and tune-ups of your AC go a long way to ensuring that you get the most cooling on the dollar.
  • Extended system life: No matter whether your air conditioning system is 3 or 13 years old, it’s never too early or too late to enroll in a routine maintenance program. As dust and debris accumulate inside the components and mechanisms of your cooling system, they will begin to interfere with performance and may eventually cause premature system replacement. When you invest in a cooling system, you want to be sure that it’s going to last. Maintenance is the best way to make that happen.
  • Reduced need for major repairs: While some repairs are inevitable, routine air conditioning maintenance significantly reduces the risk of major repairs, those that are most costly. Often, during the thorough inspection and cleaning of your system, your technician may discover minor problems that need to be repaired. Always make sure to take care of any minor repairs because they can lead to major problems in the future.

We hope you found this list of maintenance benefits useful. If you’re still unconvinced as to the merits of our Pittsburgh air conditioning maintenance service, call Boehmer Heating & Cooling today! 

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Will Your Pittsburgh AC Be Prepared for Summer?

Monday, March 18th, 2013

The question on many minds of homeowners as the temperature begins to rise is whether their AC systems are ready for summer. It’s an important question. The cool, crisp air of the home AC is a reprieve from the hot and humid days from June through September. But this doesn’t happen automatically—as with any system, your AC requires maintenance to ensure that it works all summer long. That’s why it’s crucial for homeowners to begin to prepare their systems for the summer months. That way, you can be prepared for even scorching heat, and feel confident that your system is up to the task. Don’t put your comfort at risk. For AC maintenance in Pittsburgh, call Boehmer Heating & Cooling today!

Here are some ways to prepare your AC for clean cool comfort all summer:

  • Enroll in a maintenance plan. Routine inspection, cleaning and precision tune-ups is the best way to ensure that your system works effectively and efficiently. Certain plans may also include discounts on repairs and diagnostics, as well as equipment. Not only does regular maintenance lower your energy bills, it also extends the life of your AC.
  • Clean your air filter. Your air filter is designed to prevent the passage of airborne allergens like dust and pollen into our indoor air. When it becomes dirty or clogged, however, it can also reduce energy-efficiency and cause damages in other parts of the system. This is an easy way to prepare your AC for the summer.
  • Install a programmable thermostat. The thermostat is your interface between you and your AC. Programmable thermostats give you the option of customizing your indoor climate. You can program certain days of the week or times of the day to adjust automatically to certain temperatures. This helps your system make gradual instead of sudden changes, and it allows you to control your cooling when you’re not there.

These are just a few of the ways to make sure your AC is prepared for summer. For more information, or to schedule AC maintenance in Pittsburgh, call Boehmer Heating & Cooling today! 

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Professional HVAC Service from Boehmer Heating and Cooling of Pittsburgh

Monday, August 27th, 2012

Air Conditioning Service Review | Pittsburgh | Boehmer Heating and Cooling

“Thank you so much for the professional work done at my home.  I am quite pleased and will most certainly contact Boehmer for any additional work that I might need.”
-Diana D.

Boehmer Heating and Cooling offers professional expertise and excellent customer service for all of your Pittsburgh area air conditioning, heating, air filtration, and geothermal needs. Check out our current offers on our promotions page, and give us a call to schedule a checkup for your furnace or boiler for the upcoming heating season.


$30 discount on our Plus Agreement Precision Tune-up

$30 discount on Plus Agreement Precision Tune-up


$50 in Boehmer Bucks on Signature Service Renewal

Renew a Signature Service Agreement and add $50 in Boehmer Bucks ($500 Maximum) to be used for replacements.


Ductless AC- Instant Rebate of $500

Instant Rebate of $500 (On New Mitsubishi Ductless Mini Split AC Units)

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Your Monroeville Heating and Air Conditioning System and Ventilation

Monday, August 20th, 2012

The vent system in your home is vital to the operation of your Monroeville HVAC system. Without successful ventilation, your home won’t have the necessary clean air to keep you and your family healthy. So, what does proper ventilation require and how can you ensure your home has it? Here are some quick tips.

Install the Right Parts from the Start

Proper ventilation should result in even air pressure in your home to avoid problems with gas pilot lights. It should also be as energy efficient as possible and provide clean air through proper filtration and cleaning of the air that comes in.

Energy Loss

Another major ventilation issue to keep in mind is energy loss. Ventilation tends to remove heated or cooled air from your home, forcing your furnace or air conditioner to work harder to replace it. As a result, you pay more for energy and it’s never quite comfortable inside.

To avoid this problem, ask your contractor about how you can improve your system’s energy efficiency.

Supplements to Ventilation

Proper ventilation should not only provide fresh air, but it should also ensure your home has clean air. The air outside may be fresher, but it can be filled with pollutants like pollen, dander and smoke. These should be removed if possible. To do this, you need a full sized air cleaning system that removes particles from the air down to 0.3 microns.

HEPA filters can do this, as will electronic air cleaners which can ionize and remove smoke and gas particles. Make sure you discuss filtration and cleaning with your Monroeville HVAC contractor when they visit your home. If you have any questions about your HVAC system or you need to schedule a service, give Boehmer Heating & Cooling a call!

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Pittsburgh Air Conditioning FAQs: How Do I Determine the Cooling Capacity of My Central AC or Heat Pump System?

Monday, August 13th, 2012

For any type of air conditioning system in Pittsburgh, the cooling capacity is measured in BTU’s. This is important to know if the system doesn’t seem to be adequately cooking your home, and there are many different ways to check the cooling capacity of your AC system.

1. Air Conditioning System’s Age and Serial Numbers

An air conditioner’s age will usually give you a general idea for its cooling capacity, and if you aren’t sure, you can always check the serial number. Because serial number formats vary by the year the equipment was made, you can check to see how old an air conditioner is from looking at the serial number.

The first four digits of every serial number is the week and year the unit was manufactured.  For example, the serial# 1188E53294 on a compressor unit tells us that it was made between 1980 and 1990, and to be more exact, week 11 in 1988.

2. Air Conditioner’s Model Number

You should also look at the model number for your specific model because some manufacturers also vary how they assign each number in the serial number; however, they usually stand for tonnage or MBTUH. You can always call us if you aren’t sure how to read the serial number or model number.

3. AC Equipment’s RLA Numbers

RLA stands for “Rated Load Amps,” which means that it’s the manufacturer’s rate of the cooling capacity (also known as the draw) or load while it’s operating (minus the draw when you start the system). Most air conditioning compressor or condenser units will draw 5 to 6 RLA per ton of cooling capacity. You can check the data tag on the compressor for the RLA rating; however, this will need to be translated into BTUH for the total cooling capacity.

Feel free to call one of the Pittsburgh air conditioning experts at Boehmer Heating & Cooling Company if you have any questions how to calculate your AC system’s cooling capacity.

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Pittsburgh AC Question: Refrigerant and Load Capacity – How Are They Linked?

Monday, August 6th, 2012

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think too much about how your Pittsburgh air conditioning system works. All you really need to know is that when you switch on the system, your house gets cooler. But if you’re looking to purchase a new air conditioner for your home, it’s a good idea to know how to select the right one to fit the space you’re trying to cool.

Air Conditioning Basics

Air conditioners use refrigerant as a coolant to remove heat from indoor air and transfer that heat outside. To do this, they cycle the refrigerant through a closed loop of coils. When the cold refrigerant enters the cooling coil of the air conditioner, it absorbs heat from the air passing by, thereby lowering the temperature of the air. That cooled air can then be transferred into your home and more warm air can be cycled past the cooling coils.

Air Conditioner Sizing

The more air your air conditioner can cool at once, the larger its load capacity. In order to keep a particular space cool, an AC unit has to have a large enough load capacity to accommodate that type of air volume. A unit that’s too small will obviously never be able to keep your room cool enough, but one that’s too big will have a similar problem.

The truth is that when it comes to air conditioner sizing, bigger is not better. It’s best to simply get as good an estimate as you can of what type of load capacity is ideal for the space you’re trying to cool and stick as close to that as you can.

Load Capacity and Refrigerant

Of course, if you want your air conditioner to cool more air at a time, you’ll need more coolant. But simply increasing the amount of refrigerant in your air conditioner won’t make it cool any better. Refrigerant is simply one of many elements that contribute to effective cooling. And the larger the entire system is, the more refrigerant is needed.

So more refrigerant technically contributes to greater cooling capacity, but it’s not enough to accomplish that all on its own. There is really nothing you can do to increase the load capacity of your Pittsburgh air conditioner once it’s in place. So for best results, make sure you pick out an appropriately sized unit the first time around. For any help choosing the right AC for your Pittsburgh home, give Boehmer Heating & Cooling a call!

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Pittsburg Air Conditioning Tip: How to Fix Wrong Sized Air Filters in HVAC Systems

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

If you moved into a new home or had someone change the filters on your Pittsburg heating or air conditioning system for you, you may notice that whoever did the job put on the wrong size filter. This is not uncommon and is usually the result of an effort to save either time or money. However, in the long run it actually costs both. Here is how you can fix the problem of a wrong size filter.


If you have a filter that is too big for your system, it may seem like an easy enough fix– just fold it over or trim it down, right? Not so fast. 

Folding the filter over makes for an imperfect seal. Air will leak through and around the bend, bypassing the filter entirely. This causes dirt and debris to build up on the fan, slows down air flow, degrades performance, decreases air quality and overall makes a big mess that you will have to pay to fix or clean up later.

Bending or cutting the filter also decreases its structural integrity. The whole filter can collapse while installed, creating not just a performance issue and a potentially costly repair, but also possibly creating unsafe conditions.

Furthermore, don’t give into the temptation to run your Pittsburg HVAC system without a filter for the time being. The debris will quickly build up in your AC system, as well as being blown into your home. Heating and cooling systems should always be operated with the proper filter installed.


So, what do you do when you have an air filter that is the wrong size? The only solution is to find the right size. If you are having trouble finding the right air filter for your system, try these tips:

  • Refer to your owner’s manual for the filter model number.
  • Have a Pittsburg air conditioning professional inspect your system and replace the filter. (You should have a professional inspection once a year, anyway.)
  • For HVAC systems that are large or have special dimensions, special order custom filters to fit.

Above all, never operate your HVAC system without a clean, correctly sized filter properly installed. Call Boehmer Heating & Cooling today if you need any help with your HVAC system!

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