Baldwin Posts

Can I Wait for Air Conditioning Replacement?

July 23rd, 2014

Replacing an air conditioner is a big decision, and shouldn’t be rushed into. But at the height of summer, it can be difficult to overcome the daily heat and humidity with an aging system. When faced with the question to replace now or later…

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How Can I Save Money on Air Conditioning?

July 10th, 2014

Running your air conditioning in Baldwin can get expensive, but this summer you may be able to cut costs significantly with a few energy saving tips and by considering investing in energy-efficient solutions for your home. To start saving money on air conditioning today, try some of the following tips.

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How Air Purifiers Give You Better Indoor Air Quality

June 27th, 2014

When it comes to improving the quality of a home’s indoor air, you have numerous options available: filters, cleaners, UV lights, humidifiers, and repair and cleaning services for your ductwork. One of the most effective ways to cleanse your air and eliminate the majority of pollutants that can lead to health issues is through an electronic air purifier.

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How Do UV Germicidal Lights Work?

June 6th, 2014

Indoor air quality is a significant concern for any prudent homeowner, and if you have a recurring problem with dust or dirt in your home, you may want to add a filtration system to your air conditioning to help. UV lights, in particular, can be used to kill germs and bacteria, helping to keep members of your household comfortable and safe.

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How to Determine if an Air Cleaner is Right for Your Home

May 16th, 2014

Most air conditioners and heaters contain air filters, designed to screen out dust, hair and other contaminants that might otherwise spread throughout your home. Air filters need to be replaced and/or cleaned periodically or else the build-up could damage your system, but generally speaking, they do a good job in keeping your indoor air quality high.

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Improve Your Air Conditioning in Baldwin, PA with These Upgrades

June 26th, 2013

During the hottest days of the year, a reliable air conditioning system can be a great comfort. With energy costs being as high as they are, though, many homeowners are dissuaded from keeping their homes as cool and comfortable as they’d really like to.

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