Is Scaling Dangerous for My Boiler?
January 1st, 2018You may have been told before that your boiler is affected by boiler scale, or boiler deposits, but you’re not sure whether to take this issue seriously.
You may have been told before that your boiler is affected by boiler scale, or boiler deposits, but you’re not sure whether to take this issue seriously.
With the massive popularity of natural gas as a fuel source for home heating systems, it’s not surprising that so many people view it as the only option. Though natural gas is a great choice for many reasons, it is thankfully not the only option available.
Furnaces have been around for a very long time, and have been one of the most popular heating systems available for most of that time. This has led homeowners to gain at least a little bit of basic knowledge about the various parts of the furnace and their roles. Hydronic systems, however, are only recently becoming popular among homeowners.
Rust is a natural chemical reaction that occurs between metal and water in the presence of oxygen: it’s something we expect to happen whenever iron-based metal is exposed to water. However, the boiler in your home that keeps you warm during chilly Pennsylvania winters…
Listing “boiler problems” takes a more work than listing “furnace problems” or “heat pump problems.” That’s because boilers experience fewer repair needs and malfunctions than other home comfort system because they do not use as many mechanical parts…
Boilers have a number of advantages that keep them competitive as heating options. Perhaps the most attractive one is longevity. Boilers have few mechanical parts, which means they are less prone to wear and tear due to age.
When it comes to heating repair, Pittsburgh residents know better than to fool around. Our winters are as cold as they come, and a day without a reliable heating system is almost as miserable as watching the Steelers lose to the Ravens.
Whether you choose to heat with a gas furnace or an older boiler, Pittsburgh residents need to know the benefits. We’re a tough town here in Steeler country, and our winters are as harsh as they come. Whatever system you use to heat your household needs…
In Pittsburgh, cold temperatures last well into spring. If you want to ensure that your home stays comfortable all year long, don’t wait to schedule boiler repair service. If you think your boiler is no longer operating effectively…
For a long time, boilers have been one of the most popular home heating options on the market. Their great durability and even, efficient heating suggest that this will not change any time soon. Boilers also feature fewer moving parts…
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