Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Service’

Pro Tips on How to Extend the Life of Your Furnace

Monday, March 25th, 2024

Furnaces have an average lifespan of 10-15 years. Unfortunately, having to replace a furnace before even the 10-year mark is not unheard of. Homeowners who have had to replace an HVAC system early have one overwhelming question: “What could I have done to avoid an early replacement?” To start, review our heating efficiency and repair prevention tips for additional guidance.

Although furnaces that need to be replaced that early have been grossly neglected, the best way to make sure your furnace lasts for 15 years or longer is to take excellent care of it. Let’s go over 8 pro tips on how to maximize the lifespan of your furnace.

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Beware These Potential End-Of-Season Heating Repair Needs

Monday, February 8th, 2021

animated-checklistThe groundhog may have just predicted last week that we’ll have 6 more weeks of winter, but we know as well as anyone that could go either way. When temperatures start warming up again, homeowners throughout Brentwood and beyond will look forward to shutting off their heaters and furnaces for the season and not giving them a second thought! The question is though, could this be a mistake?

We mean not giving your heater a second thought. If it’s been showing signs of disrepair, ignoring it could leave you with one of two (or both) very big problems: either a broken down heater the next time you go to use it when temperatures cool down again, or a broken down air conditioner due to a problem that affects both systems (such as damaged ductwork or a miscalibrated thermostat). To understand more about dual-system issues, explore our guide on repair or replace your boiler system.

So, what signs should you want out for? Read on as we uncover a few of them!

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