Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

How Can You Save Money on HVAC Service?

Monday, February 26th, 2018

hand-piggy-bank-coinSo your heater has broken down, your air conditioner needs replacement, or you’re looking for technicians to perform routine service. We know how frustrating this can be, and for many people, it’s a daunting task to take on. Finding technicians in your area that you can trust is hard enough. Will they overcharge you? Is there any way to save money on having technicians out to your home?

It won’t be easy, but there are ways you can cut down on costs when it comes to needing HVAC service. Some will require advance planning, but in the end, you’ll have a comfy home without overpaying.

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Why High-Efficiency Heating Equipment Makes a Difference

Monday, February 12th, 2018

Couple-sofa-comfortableIf you’re like most people, you typically spend time comparing your options before making a big purchase. When you want a new car, you might spend time looking into special features like reclining back seats or sunroofs or any number of safety features. When buying a new washer or dryer, you might prefer them to be stackable or to have a stainless steel finish.

So why are we content to pick just any model of heating and cooling equipment? In our area, high efficiency makes a huge difference, and we recommend putting this as a priority above the initial price. Here’s how this may benefit you.

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Thermostat Troubleshooting: No Heat

Monday, January 15th, 2018

thermostat-maintenance-technicianThe first place to look when a heating system is not working the way that it should is the thermostat. This is what most people do, anyway, but it may be a bit more confusing an endeavor than expected. Today’s programmable thermostats can have complex settings that may be difficult to understand. And you may be wondering how to tell whether your thermostat is actually at fault.

That’s what we’re here for. We hope to help you decipher some of the mystery behind your thermostat so you know what to look for when something goes wrong. If you aren’t getting heat from your thermostat and HVAC system, give us a call or read on for some questions to ask yourself.

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Is Scaling Dangerous for My Boiler?

Monday, January 1st, 2018

mpa-boiler-pressureYou may have been told before that your boiler is affected by boiler scale (or boiler deposits), but you’re not sure whether to take this issue seriously. Scaling in boilers is actually an incredibly common problem. High levels of minerals in the water, such as calcium and magnesium, get left behind in the boiler tank and tubes, which may lead to a reduction in heat along with a loud banging noise, in some instances.

If this is such a common occurrence, is it really dangerous for your boiler? In most cases, yes! A boiler suffering from scale buildup is in danger of breaking down or leaking water into your home, both of which require immediate heating repair. Learn more about these issues in the following guide, and call us in if you suspect an issue.

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Features to Look for in a New Furnace

Monday, December 18th, 2017

new-gas-furnaceWhen on the market for something like a furnace, air conditioner, or any other necessity, it may seem as though the options don’t really matter. Can one furnace really differ so much from another? Shouldn’t you just let the technician pick out your new furnace for you? We don’t think so.

There are so many features in a modern furnace that can make a huge difference in your comfort and in the amount of energy you use. Find a quality contractor, share your furnace must-haves, and make this winter the most comfortable ever!

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How You Can Benefit from a Home Energy Audit this Season

Monday, December 4th, 2017

money-saving-home-performanceEnergy bills have spiked, and you’ve had enough. You ask the family to be more aware of lights left on, to set the thermostat responsibly, and to monitor appliances closely—with some success. And yet, your next bill is nearly as high as the last. At this point, you may feel that there’s no hope of bills dropping any lower, but there is hope.

An energy audit is a great way to learn more about what’s draining energy in your home. When you follow it up with a few home improvements, you can save a lot of money every month, and the savings each year can offset the cost of these upgrades. Learn more about this benefit and others in our brief guide.

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Thermostat Habits that Raise Your Bills

Monday, August 14th, 2017

digital-thermostat-male-handMany people don’t give a second thought to how they set the thermostat. After owning a central air conditioner and heater for several years, how you set the thermostat becomes second nature. When it’s hot, you walk over to the thermostat and adjust the settings, and if you’re worried about your bills, you may raise the temperature.

It turns out that some of the most seemingly harmless thermostat habits can raise our bills quite a bit. In fact, even when we think we set the thermostat to help save money, we may actually do the opposite. Find out what habits you should consider changing below. Call our expert technicians to learn from the best!

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Get a Boiler Cleaning and Check-Up Before Winter Comes

Monday, September 26th, 2016

When you have a boiler, you know that it provides heat and comfort unlike you can experience from many other types of whole-home heating systems. A boiler uses a large tank to heat up water and then distributes the hot water to different points around the home. Heat radiates to reach objects and people and make you feel direct heat.

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A Guide to Choosing Quality HVAC Technicians

Monday, February 1st, 2016

The heating and air conditioning industry is one that’s often changing. New technologies allow for better efficiency and greater home comfort. The smart thermostat has changed the industry for the better, and more and more homeowners are thinking about how they manage their energy usage, leading to an increased demand for efficient products.

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Only Call Trained Technicians to Service Today’s Complex Heating and AC Systems

Monday, January 11th, 2016

Today’s furnaces and AC systems are safer and sturdier than they have ever been before. But this does not make them any easier to service. In fact, the opposite is true. When you need any amount of service for your HVAC systems, you should always choose a highly trained technician with plenty of experience so that the most complex components stay in the best condition possible. Here’s why.

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