Jefferson Hills Posts

Pittsburgh Heating Guide: 5 Easy Ways to Save Energy

March 4th, 2013

As a homeowner, you’re always looking for ways to save energy. As one of the leading energy efficiency experts in the area, Boehmer Heating & Cooling is committed to informing you about some easy ways to save energy.

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Pittsburgh Heating Question: What To Do If Your Furnace Keeps Turning On or Off?

September 24th, 2012

Your Pittsburgh furnaces is designed to last decades without major problems so long as it is regularly maintained. They typically work so well, in fact, there is a danger of taking our comfort for granted and skipping the annual service for a year or two as time rushes by…

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Pittsburgh Air Conditioning FAQs: How Do I Determine the Cooling Capacity of My Central AC or Heat Pump System?

August 13th, 2012

For any type of air conditioning system in Pittsburgh, the cooling capacity is measured in BTU’s. This is important to know if the system doesn’t seem to be adequately cooking your home, and there are many different ways to check the cooling capacity of your AC system.

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Pittsburgh AC Question: What Are Thermostatic Expansion Valves?

May 14th, 2012

The thermostatic expansion valve, sometimes known as a TEX, TEV or TXV, is a critical piece to influence the efficiency of all air conditioning and refrigeration units, including the AC system in your Pittsburgh home.

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Save with Maintenance on HVAC

July 18th, 2011

You know you are always going to have heating and cooling bills, for instance. But are they higher than they need to be?

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Noise Control for Your HVAC System

June 27th, 2011

Most people think of HVAC and associate it directly with comfort. They assume that once they are warm or cool in their home that there is nothing else to worry about, but even the smallest HVAC systems can be quite noisy, and if you own a business or live in a multi-family building, they can be downright disruptive.

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What to Look for when a Home is 100 Years Old

June 20th, 2011

Many people like older homes, but at a certain point, the age of a home can be a bit of a turnoff. It’s not the architecture – old homes are magnificently built and tend to have more character in the woodwork and nooks and crannies than any new home. But, when you move beyond how impressive early 20th century (or earlier) architecture is, you might find a number of maintenance and upkeep issues that have only been made worse by the passage of time.

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What Is LEED Certified?

May 20th, 2011

If you’ve been looking into purchasing a home or having any type of major construction done, you may have run across the term LEED Certified. Of course, contractors boast of so many certifications these days that it can be tough to tell which you should pay attention to and which you shouldn’t. But the LEED certification is definitely one that’s worth taking into account when you’re choosing a contractor and planning out your project.

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New Filter Ratings – How to Evaluate Your Filter

May 13th, 2011

Every home has need of a handful of filters that provide with comfortable, affordable air quality and temperature control throughout the year. So, when buying a new filter or upgrading your current system to provide the right comfort level for your home, there are a few things to consider. First is the actual rating of your filters. Every filter is rated for a particular level of efficiency. The higher the rating, the more particles it catches, but also the more it will cost.

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What Is a Chilled Beam System?

May 2nd, 2011

If you’ve been researching new ways to cool larger office or industrial spaces, chances are you’ve come across information on the chilled beam system. These systems are not suitable for residential use, but they can be extremely effective in other types of applications. They’ve been used more extensively overseas, but are rapidly gaining ground in the US.

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