Oakdale Posts

Pittsburgh Boiler Tip: 5 Common Boiler Problems You Don’t Know You Have

November 19th, 2012

Heating homes in Pittsburgh with boilers is common, especially in older homes. While boiler systems are relatively simple, there can be many hidden issues with them. Here are 5 common boiler problems that you may not be aware of.

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Pittsburgh Heating Question: Can Your Heating System Warn You of a CO Leak?

October 8th, 2012

Carbon monoxide is an odorless gas that is produced as a natural byproduct of combustion. So, any time something burns, carbon monoxide (CO) is released into the air. As long as the area is properly ventilated, the carbon monoxide cannot build up in the air to a dangerous level of concentration.

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Pittsburgh HVAC Tip: How to Maintain High Efficiency Filters to Reduce Stress on Your Heat Pump

September 4th, 2012

The filter on your Pittsburgh heat pump is an integral part of your home’s comfort system. Without that filter, the device will quickly be subjected to an influx of debris and contaminants that can get into the machinery…

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Pittsburgh AC Question: Refrigerant and Load Capacity – How Are They Linked?

August 6th, 2012

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think too much about how your Pittsburgh air conditioning system works. All you really need to know is that when you switch on the system, your house gets cooler. But if you’re looking to purchase a new air conditioner for your home…

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Oakdale Heating Maintenance Question: What Are the Different Types of Furnace Maintenance?

February 10th, 2012

Everyone in Oakdale knows that there are different types of maintenance tasks associated with keeping your automobile in tip top shape. Did you also know there are tasks that can be performed at various intervals…

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Is My Home as Comfortable as It Could Be? A Question From Carnegie

September 19th, 2011

When it comes to indoor comfort, there are a surprising number of things you need to take into account for your Carnegie home. Of course, you need to have a good heating and cooling system in place so that you can easily maintain a comfortable indoor temperature all year round.

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Variety of Ways to Cool Your Home Naturally: A Guide From Oakdale

August 19th, 2011

It is normal these days to simply switch on the air conditioning when the temperature begins to rise outside in Oakdale. But this can get expensive quickly, so it is a good idea to look into some alternative cooling methods as well. Fortunately, there are actually some great ways to help keep your home cool without touching that air conditioning at all.

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