Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Pittsburgh’

This Thermostat Mistake Could be Costing You

Monday, August 13th, 2018

Stock image of hand adjusting thermostatSummer is an enjoyable time of the year around our area, but the heat can admittedly get a bit tiresome for many, especially indoors! When you’re out enjoying the summer weather all day, the last thing you want to do is come home to a living space that is just as hot—you want a fully efficient and effective air conditioner to great you. This does not, however, mean that you should blast your air conditioning in Pittsburgh, PA as low as the thermostat will go!

Many homeowners result to this as a solution to the heat, but the recommended temperature setting during the summer is 78°F, according to the Department of Energy. If you keep setting it lower and lower thinking it will help you get cooler faster, you’d be making a mistake. Now, if you’re setting it lower and lower and you do not feel cooler at all, then there might be something wrong with your air conditioner, which will get to down below. Read on to learn more!

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Don’t Believe Refrigerant Myths (Or Other AC Misconceptions)

Monday, July 30th, 2018

Myths or Facts concept with business woman hand drawing on blackboardThe good ol’ World Wide Web has made it pretty easy for people to access information on just about any topic with a few keywords in a search bar. However, this also makes it pretty easy for people to access incorrect information, too. As a result, many myths have spread about various home services and appliances, with your Pittsburgh, PA air conditioning system being no exception.

Using that same power of the internet, we’d like to dispel some of these myths, particularly one about refrigerant loss. Keep reading to learn about this and other AC misunderstandings you may have never realized you had.

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An Air Purifier Can Improve Indoor Air Quality

Monday, July 16th, 2018

An air purifier is a device which removes contaminants from the air in a room. These devices are commonly marketed as being beneficial to allergy sufferers and asthmatics, and at reducing or eliminating second-hand tobacco smoke. Vector graphic.Were you aware that the quality of your indoor air can actually be worse than that of outdoors? In fact, this is the case in many homes—particularly those that aren’t equipped with the right indoor air quality products or haven’t invested in air quality services in the past.

Today’s residences are built with HVAC efficiency in mind—they’re built tight as to not let any conditioned air out or outside air in. This is great news for your heating and cooling costs each year, but not so fabulous for your air quality. Among the numerous products we have available to help combat this, however, is the air purifier.

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Indoor Air Quality Solutions Should Be Tailored to Your Needs

Monday, June 18th, 2018

Window sill of a house in ruralNo matter what part of the Pittsburgh area you live in, there are aspects of the air quality in your area that are less than optimal. And whether allergens, contaminants, or humidity levels, your indoor air quality can actually end up being worse off than that of the outdoor air quality.

That said, not everyone will have the same indoor air quality needs as their neighbor. While one home may benefit from the installation of UV germicidal lights, another may have household members with allergies who need an air cleaner. No matter what it is that you’re in need of, you can turn to our team for quality indoor air quality solutions in Pittsburgh, PA.

Keep reading for an overview of some of your options!

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Get Your Air Conditioner Serviced This Spring

Monday, March 26th, 2018

AC-repair-maintenanceSpring is here, and that means mild weather and lots of rain. You’re likely still using your home’s heating system quite a bit this time of year, but soon enough you’ll be turning on your air conditioner every day to keep cool while the temperatures soar. Before that happens, however, it pays to schedule a servicing session to your air conditioner. Not only can it avoid nasty surprises over the summer, but it will help your air conditioner do its job more effectively. Here’s a breakdown of what it all entails.

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Spring Energy Audits Mean Year-Round Savings

Monday, March 12th, 2018

money-saving-home-performanceAt the beginning of spring, Pittsburgh residents can expect chilly weather well into March and April. Soon, though, you’ll be perfectly comfortable sitting in your home even without hearing the heater running. This is what’s called the “shoulder season” when you work in the HVAC industry, an off-period when the rush of repair and installation calls come to a stop.

These services may not seem so important in the spring, but this season should be used as a time to prepare your home for the harsh weather to come. Hot, humid summers are followed by another cold winter season means you pay quite a bit for heating and cooling. But you can take the time now to prepare your home with an energy audit.

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The Future of Energy Is Geothermal

Monday, November 20th, 2017

geothermal-sketch-homeChances are that the majority of your home is powered by electricity from the local utility company, while some systems also use natural gas. If you’ve thought about using any other energy source to power your home, you’ve likely considered converting to solar power. However, this is not an option for every home, and the initial cost is likely a large deterrent.

When you’re looking to convert your home to a renewable and sustainable source of energy, you may decide to start somewhere else. And since your home heating and cooling systems take up such a large percentage of your bills, we think this is an ideal place to begin. Instead of solar power, have you considered the advantages of geothermal energy?

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Why Every Air Conditioner Needs Routine Maintenance

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

ac-top-condenser-fanWe know that calling an air conditioning technician may be considered a hassle to some. Many people only consider calling in a technician when an air conditioner is showing signs of breaking down or has already quit working. Some of our customers don’t know that air conditioning maintenance is an option.

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The Best In-Home Solutions for Pollen Allergies

Monday, April 10th, 2017

sneeze-woman-tissueDid you know that about 20% of Americans are allergic to pollen? If you are one of the millions, you might notice that your symptoms don’t discriminate based on location. Whether you are indoors or out, allergies can come up and bring you down, and this is particularly upsetting when you are in your own home.

Pollen allergies can act up anywhere—mostly because pollen can be just about anywhere. It travels well, moving easily in the air and into your lungs, but you may be able to take some control at home.

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Try This Before Scheduling Heating Repair

Monday, January 30th, 2017

inside-natural-gas-burnerWe encourage DIY enthusiasts to try their hands at something besides heating repair, most of the time. Repairing a heating system incorrectly can result in damage to the heater. Moreover, you might create a safety hazard for your home and family members.

However, we know it’s frustrating to call in a technician for heating repair, only to learn you could have resolved the issue on your own. Often, we find that homeowners do not know about some of these methods of troubleshooting a faulty furnace. Try these steps before scheduling heating repair, and then call NATE-certified technicians when the problem cannot be solved quickly.

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