Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Pittsburgh’

Sealing Air Leaks: An Easy Way to Improve Home Efficiency

Monday, December 12th, 2016

Making a few changes to your home can create major change in your monthly bills. Sealing up air leaks is one way to reduce your bills and stay more comfortable throughout the year. But many people do not even realize that there are air leaks in the home, or that they are really adding onto monthly costs.

Find out how to detect and seal air leaks in the guide below or by calling our specialists. Schedule an energy audit to find home energy solutions so you can save even more over the years.

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3 Fall Heating Services to Make Winter a Whole Lot Easier

Monday, October 31st, 2016

We believe that prevention is key, especially when it comes to having an easy, carefree winter. This fall, take care of the little things so that the cold stays outside, and you and your family have consistent, efficient comfort indoors.

These services can make your furnace or boiler more efficient, durable, and reliable. While every homeowner should schedule annual heating system maintenance year after year, all three services can help you maintain your heater for years to come.

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Zoning Your Home for Better Energy Efficiency

Monday, October 10th, 2016

When you have a large home, heating and cooling costs are always higher than you’d like. The energy it takes to warm a home that has several bedrooms and, therefore, several vents can be costly. And some days, it seems like the only way to save is to lower the temperature beyond comfort.

Upgrading your AC or heating system to include zone control could be the solution you need for lower bills during even the most extreme temperatures—and an improvement to your comfort!

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Zoning Your Home to Improve Efficiency

Monday, September 5th, 2016

Better comfort and home efficiency is within reach when you call your local HVAC technicians. Central AC and heat have changed the way people think about comfort for the better. But there’s one common complaint about central comfort systems: a lack of control over the temperature in various rooms of the home.

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Is the Humidity Getting to You?

Monday, June 6th, 2016

In our area, humidity is sometimes worse than high temperatures. Temperatures outside might seem somewhat reasonable, but the presence of water vapor in the air adds to it. This isn’t to say that the temperature actually increases because of a high percentage of water vapor. It only means you feel like the temperature has increased.

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A Quick Guide to Preventative Maintenance Visits

Monday, May 16th, 2016

When your air conditioner is in jeopardy, you have to rush to get much-needed repairs in at the last minute. You might have other plans, but leaving your house hot is simply not an option for you. That’s why preventative maintenance is such a valuable service.

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How to Decrease Your Utility Bills, Increase Your Comfort, and Ensure Your Safety: A Guide to Home Performance Contracting

Monday, April 18th, 2016

If you have the opportunity to schedule a home performance assessment for your home, don’t miss out! Home performance contracting describes the process of assessing major home efficiency, air quality, comfort, and safety issues. Learn more about how scheduling service with a qualified contractor can transform your home below!

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Why a Bigger HVAC System Isn’t Always the Better Choice

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Are you considering an HVAC system replacement? The best time to do so is springtime, as our temperatures mellow out and technicians will be less likely to be out on emergency calls. Before you rush out and get the biggest unit you can, however, you need to know that a bigger unit is not necessarily better. If your system is too large, then it will continuously shut on and off to compensate for its size. This process is called short-cycling, and is damaging to your HVAC system, plus it doesn’t efficiently cool or heat your home.

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2 Things You Should Know about Your Home’s Air Filter

Monday, March 7th, 2016

An air filter is a vital component to your HVAC system, preventing pollutants from entering your indoor air. These pollutants include dirt, dust, tree pollen, smoke and more. Choosing the right air filtration system for your HVAC system can make a huge difference in the quality of air circulating through your home. Without proper filtration, your indoor air quality can actually be worse than the outdoor air quality of where you live. But is a simple air filter all you need? What should you know about your home’s air filter?

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A Guide to Choosing Quality HVAC Technicians

Monday, February 1st, 2016

The heating and air conditioning industry is one that’s often changing. New technologies allow for better efficiency and greater home comfort. The smart thermostat has changed the industry for the better, and more and more homeowners are thinking about how they manage their energy usage, leading to an increased demand for efficient products.

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