Pittsburgh Posts

Why It’s Important to Upgrade Your Thermostat

June 1st, 2015

You may not realize it, but your thermostat can be a tremendously useful tool in helping you control your cooling. Simply put, without a thermostat, your system wouldn’t know when to stop or start. Doesn’t it make sense, then, that you use a thermostat that can truly help you control the operation of your air conditioning system?

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Is Your Air Filter Ready for Allergy Season?

May 25th, 2015

Allergy sufferers know that at this time of year as the temperature rises, so do pollen counts. While the flora and fauna releasing the pollen are outside, it isn’t hard for allergens to get inside and into your HVAC system. A great way to drastically reduce allergens from swirling around your home with your forced air system is to use a mechanical air filter.

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Customize Your Cooling with a Zone Control System

May 11th, 2015

Thermometers are finally moving up instead of down, and if you haven’t turned on your home’s AC yet, you will be soon enough. Then comes another battle: the endless fight over the right temperature. We’ve all been there, with someone turning the temperature up while another one turns it down. But if you have a zone control system, that battle no longer exists.

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Why Is There Frost on My Air Conditioning Coils?

May 4th, 2015

Spring is fully underway and with it, summer can’t be far behind. The Pittsburgh, PA area experiences bouts of high heat and humidity throughout the summer months, which means that homeowners need to have their air conditioners fired up and ready to go. One of the most obvious signs of trouble is the appearance of frost on your coils, something that most laymen would see as normal.

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Benefits of Replacing Your Thermostat

April 27th, 2015

Spring is here, which offers homeowners a chance to examine their heating and cooling system between the snows of winter and the heat of summer. Nowhere is that more important than your thermostat, which controls all aspects of your HVAC system.

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Is It Time for AC Replacement?

April 20th, 2015

Spring is a great time to assess your home’s needs, and if it’s time to replace an outdated air conditioner, now is the perfect time to do it. It isn’t always obvious when it’s time to replace an air conditioner, especially when your system is still running, so our experts have listed a few factors to heavily consider.

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Ways to Avoid Air Conditioning Repair This Summer

April 13th, 2015

If we could offer you an air conditioning system that was guaranteed never to break, we’d do it in a Pittsburgh minute. We can’t do that because such an air conditioning system doesn’t exist, but what our experts can offer you are some great tips on how to avoid air conditioning repair and reduce your incidence of repair.

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Make Air Conditioning Maintenance Part of Your Spring Cleaning This Year

April 6th, 2015

As our temperatures edge a little higher each day, our attention starts to turn toward the warmer weather. We may not be fully ready for spring cleaning yet, but this time of year is perfect for scheduling maintenance for your air conditioning system in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas.

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Where Your Home May Be Losing Energy

April 2nd, 2015

Do your monthly energy bills seem out of your control? Are your family members uncomfortable even when the air conditioning and heating system is running? Does it seem like you have to run the AC or heater for hours before the house finally cools down or heats up?

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3 Tips to Avoid Heating Repair

March 25th, 2015

At Boehmer Heating & Cooling, our technicians are committed to a positive customer experience. But that doesn’t mean that you want to see our experts all the time. Scheduling heating repair is never an ideal situation, no matter how friendly, knowledgeable and clean the technicians are.

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