Pittsburgh Posts

Air Conditioning in Pittsburgh: Ways to Improve Your Air Conditioner’s Efficiency

May 9th, 2014

Your air conditioner’s efficiency can translate directly into savings for you. How? The more efficient your air conditioning system is, the less energy it uses to do its job. Many systems are quite energy efficient on their own, but there are a few things Pittsburgh property owners can do to help boost the efficiency even more.

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When Should I Replace My Air Conditioner?

May 2nd, 2014

Many homeowners with air conditioning systems have to face replacing or upgrading their air conditioner at some point. This can be a good thing for your air conditioner, as technological advancements have made air conditioning systems very effective and energy efficient, and they add great value to your home.

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3 Advantages of Energy Audits

April 25th, 2014

What is an energy audit? It’s a professional service that determines where your house is losing energy and wasting money, and suggests solutions to decrease this energy loss. During an energy audit, a trained technician—an energy auditor—comes to your home and performs tests that take into account your HVAC system, appliances, insulation, ventilation, and more.

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Air Conditioning Repair FAQ: Can I Just Scrape the Ice off the Coils?

April 18th, 2014

We use our air conditioners a lot during the summertime, when our temperatures are warm and a little cool air is a welcome relief. Unfortunately, most repairs come at a time when you need your air conditioner the most, and rather than waiting for a repairman…

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Are You Ready to Turn on Your AC for the Cooling Season?

April 11th, 2014

Although we haven’t hit a powerful warm spell in Pittsburgh yet, it won’t be long before the air conditioners in our homes start up their familiar hum and cool air blows from the vents for another summer season. Right now, when we still have cooler weather…

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The Importance of Air Conditioning Maintenance

April 4th, 2014

All air conditioning systems develop problems slowly over time as they operate. Without the intervention of a professional HVAC contractor, those problems will continue to get worse and will eventually turn into costly repairs.

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Why Your Heat Pump Is Stuck in Cooling Mode

March 28th, 2014

Answer as fast as you can: What is the great advantage of having a heat pump? Did you respond “It works as both a heater and an air conditioner?” You most likely did, since the reason most people opt to have a heat pump installed in their home…

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Top 3 Reasons to Install a Furnace

March 19th, 2014

Furnaces are one of the oldest of all ways to heat a home; only the fireplace pre-dates them, and the furnace arose from the same principles as a fireplace. However, furnaces have kept up technologically with other heating systems…

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Common Boiler Problems

February 27th, 2014

Listing “boiler problems” takes a more work than listing “furnace problems” or “heat pump problems.” That’s because boilers experience fewer repair needs and malfunctions than other home comfort system because they do not use as many mechanical parts…

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Common Zone Control Heating Problems

February 24th, 2014

Either as an upgrade to an existing system or as part of a new installation, a zone control system makes a lot of sense. They divide your home into different sections, allowing you to raise or lower the temperature of each one separately.

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