Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Pittsburgh’

The Boiler Expansion Tank and Heating Repair

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

If you’ve ever taken a good look at your boiler, examined its various external parts and components, you probably noticed what looks like a smaller water tank above the boiler with a pressure gauge attached to it. That’s the expansion tank, and it’s a vital part of the boiler system that can prevent serious problems leading to repairs. The expansion tank itself can need repairs as well, and it’s important for the general health of your heating system that it remains in good working order.

In this post we’ll explain what the expansion tank is and how it helps prevent problems in your boiler. If you encounter any troubles related to an expansion tank, call Boehmer Heating & Cooling. We have live operators standing by 24/7 to help with your heating repair in Pittsburgh, PA.

The Basics of the Expansion Tank

Despite what the name may indicate, an expansion tank is not an extra water tank. The expansion tank does contain some water, but half of it contains air, which serves the purpose of relieving the pressure of the water in the main tank.

If you were to view an expansion tank in a cut-away view, you would see two separate compartments with a rubber diaphragm between them. One compartment connects to the top of the boiler tank, where rising hot water enters it. The other side contains pressurized air connected to the valve that measures the pressure level. This set-up allows for the water to press against the diaphragm when its pressure rises, pushing against the air cushion on the other side. This relaxes the pressure on the water in the tank.

To create equilibrium, the valve in the other compartment adds air. As the water pressure begins to drop, the pressure from the air eventually restores the balance between the two sides.

Older boilers did not have expansion tanks. Instead, to relive high water pressure, they maintained an air cushion within the top of tank itself. However, this promoted corrosion because of the presence of oxygen. The creation of the expansion tank permitted a release of pressure without allowing the mixing water and oxygen.

How the Expansion Tank Prevents Repairs

High water pressure can cause some serious problems. When pressure spikes, it threatens leaks throughout the system, and could even cause the boiler tank to rupture. Even small amounts of pressure will put extra stress on the system and wear it down. The expansion tank maintains an even pressure to prevent these occurrences.

Sometimes the expansion tank needs repairs: the membrane can rip or come loose, or the valve breaks. When high water pressure starts to affect your boiler, call for repairs right away to see if the expansion tank needs attention.

Boehmer Heating & Cooling has kept people warm since 1933 with our excellent heating repair in Pittsburgh, PA. Make us your first call when you need help with an expansion tank or any other part of your boiler.

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What Makes a Furnace High Efficiency?

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

The modern furnace makes better use of its fuel supply than the models of only a few decades ago. Many furnaces on today’s market carry the ENERGY STAR label from the U.S. EPA because of their efficient use of fuel and high return of heating power.

One type of furnace that goes above and beyond for energy savings is the high-efficiency condensing furnace. Where most furnaces can score AFUE ratings in the 80%–90% range, a high-efficiency model can climb as high as 98%—meaning only 2% of the natural gas goes to waste as exhaust.

Here’s an explanation for how these modern marvels achieve this. If you are interested in installation of a high-efficiency furnace in Pittsburgh, PA, talk to our specialists at Boehmer Heating & Cooling.

High-Efficiency Furnace Operation

The reason these furnaces waste so little energy is that they are capable of using the exhaust from the first part of the heating process to generate more heat. Here is how it works:

A standard furnace contains a single heat exchanger. High temperature combustion gas enters the chamber and heats up its walls. After air is blown around the exchanger and absorbs the heat, the cooled-down gas changes into a vapor. This vapor vents out the exhaust flue.

But a high-efficiency condensing furnace contains second heat exchanger. The exhaust vapor moves into this chamber, where it condenses into a liquid. The process of condensing causes a release of more heat, warming up the walls of the heat exchanger and providing additional warmth for the air that will be sent into the ventilation system. The liquid exhaust is then drained from the second heat exchanger.

The result of this is a reduction in energy waste. The more efficient performance means these furnaces will rapidly make up for their costlier installation with large savings off of heating bills.

High-Efficiency Furnace Repair and Maintenance

There is one drawback to high-efficiency furnaces which you need to know about: because they are more intricate machines that require a balance of many components, they require very attentive maintenance and repairs. All furnaces need regular maintenance and prompt repairs when necessary, but with a high-efficiency furnace you must take particular care of it or lose the benefits it provides.

Boehmer Heating & Cooling has maintenance plans that will make caring for your high-efficiency furnace in Pittsburgh, PA much simpler. Our 24-hour emergency service will also put you more at ease. Call us today for installation, maintenance, or repairs for your furnace.

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My Heat Pump Won’t Turn On! What Should I Do?

Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

It’s the emergency you don’t want to occur in the middle of a rough winter: suddenly discovering that your heat pump won’t come on when it should. Is it broken and can you do anything about it?

Obviously, a heat pump that malfunctions and doesn’t turn on is a serious problem and needs to be remedied as soon as possible. We will look over some of the reasons that a heat pump might fail to turn on and what you can do about it.

Most of the time, you’ll need to call for professional repairs; heat pumps are complex mechanical devices that require special training to fix. For 24-hour emergency service on your heat pump or any other heating repair in Pittsburgh, PA, call Boehmer Heating & Cooling.

Reasons for a Heat Pump Not Turning On

  • Thermostat issues: The first thing you should check when any heating system fails is the thermostat (or thermostats if you have a zone control system). Is it set correctly? If you have a programmable thermostat, check that the program is set so the heat will come on at the appropriate time. If the thermostat seems set correctly, the issue might be a miscalibration that is causing the thermostat to read the temperature incorrectly, or possibly an electrical failure that has cut if off from communicating with the heat pump. You will need professional repairs for this.
  • Power loss: Heat pumps can sometimes trip circuit breakers. Check your fuse box to see if this is the case. If the heat pump continues to trip the circuit breakers, there may be an electrical fault in the heat pump that needs attention.
  • Failed start capacitor: Listen to the cabinet of your heat pump. If you can hear a clicking noise whenever the heat pump should be turning on, then likely the problem is a failing start capacitor, the component responsible for transmitting the electrical charge that starts the motors. Call technicians to replace it.
  • Broken reversing valve: The reversing valve is responsible for changing the direction of refrigerant in the heat pump so that it can function as both a heater and an air conditioner. If you find that the heat pump will still provide cool air, but won’t provide heat, then it’s probably the fault of the reversing valve, and it will need replacement.

Heat pump repairs usually do not take long to complete, so call for repairs right away when you cannot get your heat pump started so you’ll avoid a long stretch in the cold. Boehmer Heating & Cooling has specialized in heating repair in Pittsburgh, PA since 1933, so you can trust in our services for your heat pump.

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Some Options for Heating Replacement in Pittsburgh

Monday, January 13th, 2014

We’re now deep into winter in Pittsburgh, with below-freezing temperatures swirling outside. If you have an old heating system in your home that you think may be nearing the end of its service, it’s time to schedule a replacement so you will have the briefest possible interruption in your heating.

Finding the right system to replace your old one can present a bit of a puzzle, however. You should always contact a professional heating and cooling company to assist you with making the choice, and then let them handle the installation so it goes fast and without complications. Our NATE-certified technicians at Boehmer Heating & Cooling have extensive knowledge of the many types of systems available and will help you pick the right one for your heating replacement in Pittsburgh, PA.

Common choices for heating replacement

  • Furnaces: Furnaces continue to be popular because they offer some of the highest levels of heating and they come in a variety of models that can fit almost any home. Furnaces can use different types of fuel (gas, electricity, propane), so there’s always a model that will work with your current power set-up. Furnaces do require ductwork, however.
  • Boilers: Boilers use hydronic power—the circulation of heated water—to provide warmth. Boilers are energy-efficient, run quietly, and provide cleaner heating because they do not need to use ducts. Boilers also require few repair needs and have incredible longevity. Boilers can run off electricity, natural gas, or oil.
  • Heat pumps: These systems are essentially air conditioners that can switch the direction they move heat so they bring heat indoors instead of moving it outdoors. The huge advantage of heat pumps is that you get an AC and heater in a single unit. Heat pumps use only a small amount of electricity to run and can provide tremendous savings during the winter. However, at very cold temperatures, they can begin to lose their heating effectiveness.

Find the best system for your home

Your home won’t have the same heating needs as another, so there is no “one size fits all” solution to getting the right heater for your home. The best way to discover the correct system for your house is to have home comfort experts perform a heat load calculation, which will measure the amount of heat required from a system to provide the temperature you want. The experts will then match you with the ideal heating system.

Boehmer Heating & Cooling has helped people stay warm since 1933. You can trust that we know how to locate the right heating replacement in Pittsburgh, PA to keep you comfortable all the way to spring.

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Is It Time to Get a New Furnace?

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

The cold winter weather has arrived in Pittsburgh, and we hope that you’re cozy inside your home with your furnace keeping you warm. But if you’re not, or if your furnace is acting strangely, then maybe you need to consider a new furnace installation.

Furnaces can last for a long time with the proper care, sometimes past 20 years. But eventually they will start to run down, develop corrosion, and begin to work inefficiently, leading to a complete breakdown. If your furnace is nearing the end of its service life, you should have a new furnace put in before your current one shuts down at the worst possible time. With professional installers on the job, the switch from the old furnace to the new one will go fast and you won’t find yourself stuck in the cold.

Boehmer Heating & Cooling has years of experience with furnace installation; we’ve been in business since 1933! For your new furnace in Pittsburgh, PA, trust to us.

Here are a few of the signs to look out for that will warn you it’s time to get a new furnace:

  • Inexplicably elevated heating bills: As a furnace wears down with age, it will start to work harder to do its job. You may feel the same level of heating, but your furnace must drain more power to achieve it. Take a look at your heating bills each month: if they start to climb and stay that way, it might be the fault of a furnace past its prime and moving into decrepitude.
  • Extensive rusting: If you discover extensive rust along the bottom of the cabinet of your furnace, then it is likely time to get a new unit.
  • Constant noisy operation: One of the best warning signs a furnace can send that it requires repairs is a strange, loud noise. However, if a furnace begins to make rumbling, clanging, and grating noises on a regular basis, it usually means that it has become too worn down for regular repairs to restore it.

It’s a big step to decide on installing a new furnace, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult one if you hire a contractor with the experience necessary to make the installation go fast and smoothly. All of the installers at Boehmer Heating & Cooling are highly trained, so you’ll know that you are getting quality work when you hire them to install your new furnace in Pittsburgh, PA. Contact us today so you’ll have the best heating for the rest of the winter.

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Are Strange Sounds a Sign That It Is Time to Call a Heating Repair Contractor?

Monday, December 9th, 2013

If you’ve spent at least a year with your heating system keeping you warm through a tough Pittsburgh winter, you will have a good notion of the sounds to expect from it. However, if you start hearing unusual sounds that you haven’t experienced before, you may wonder if this is a signal to call for professional repairs.

The answer: “almost certainly.” Odd sounds are one of the ways that heaters communicate developing malfunctions that could lead to a full breakdown. If you can’t account for what’s causing the strange noise, you should call a repair contractor right away to determine the reason and find out what to do about it.

Boehmer Heating & Cooling has emergency operators standing by 24/7 to answer your service calls. Don’t hesitate with heating repair in Pittsburgh, PA: you don’t want to end up in the cold because of a busted heater.

Some common noises that indicate repair needs:

Rumbling boiler: If your boiler tanks starts to rumble, it likely means that the water inside is overheating. There are a number of reasons for this—rust, limescale, sediment at the bottom of the tank—but it needs to be fixed before leaks spring up throughout the pipes. The rumbling could also indicate a mixing of cold and hot water, and that means leaks around the input valve.

Clanking: This can occur in furnaces or heat pumps, and often means that a blower fan motor belt has come loose and is striking against other components. If this continues, the loose fan belt can cause serious damage to other mechanisms in the cabinet.

Rumbling and booming: You might hear this from a gas-powered furnace or boiler, and it is often a sign of a buildup of dirt along the burner where the gas jets ignite. A burner that gets too dirty will no longer be able to draw sufficient oxygen to light the jets. A technician can remove the burner and clean it.

Groaning and squealing: If you hear this from the cabinet of a furnace or a heat pump, the cause is probably motor bearings that are dirty or wearing down. If this continues, the motor will burn out, so have a professional replace the bearings.

Loud clicking at heat pump start-up: You probably have a failing start capacitor, the device responsible for delivering the electric charge that drives the motors in the heat pump. A technician can replace this for you.

Leave repairs to professionals

Modern heating systems are designed for durability and reliability—and they are also highly complex devices that require years of training to properly handle. Leave the repairs to professionals, especially if you have a gas-powered heater.

Boehmer Heating & Cooling can take care of all your needs for heating repair in Pittsburgh, PA. Since 1933, we have helped the city stay warm all through the winter.

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Furnace Sounds and What They Try to Tell You

Monday, November 11th, 2013

Science has yet to invent a home furnace with an artificial intelligence that allows it to tell you exactly what is wrong with it and what repairs you need to do to keep it working. However, furnaces do have an innate way of sending you warnings about impending repair needs and potential breakdowns: unusual sounds. If you’ve lived with your furnace for more than a year, you already have a good idea of what noises it makes during standard operation. When any out-of-the-ordinary sounds start to emanate from the furnace cabinet, pay attention to them and then make the necessary steps to get repairs done.

Usually, this means calling in HVAC experts. Both electrical and gas furnaces pose potential health hazards to anyone who tampers with them without professional experience. Boehmer Heating & Cooling has worked on furnaces since 1933, so we have the experience necessary to diagnose the problems with your furnace in Pittsburgh, PA and fix it effectively and safely.

Common furnace warning sounds

  • Loud clicking: There is often a simple reason for this noise: loose bolts on the outside cabinet. However, if you have a gas-powered furnace and find this isn’t what’s wrong, the culprit could the ignition, or possibly even a problem with the heat exchanger or gas supply. Any of these problems should be examined by a professional as soon as possible to make sure your furnace is operating safely.
  • Groaning, squealing: This is probably the motor bearings that operate the blower fans wearing down or malfunctioning because of dust. Get repairs done before the motors need to be replaced entirely.
  • Clanking: If the belt from the blower motor to the fan becomes cracked, it will come loose and begin striking against the casing or other components. You don’t want to attempt to change the belt yourself, even if you’re familiar with doing a similar repair with a car motor fan belt. Get professionals to replace the belt before it starts to damage other parts of the furnace.
  • Rumbling, booming: Dirt and grime have probably contaminated the burners, choking off their supply of oxygen and preventing the gas jets from igniting and providing heat to the combustion chamber. This can also affect the pilot light. The burners will need to be professionally cleaned.

Boehmer Heating & Cooling has technicians ready around the clock, seven days a week, to get you the repairs you need on your Pittsburgh, PA furnace. Don’t ignore those strange sounds in your furnace—get expert help from Boehmer Heating & Cooling right away.

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Top 3 Reasons to Choose a Boiler in Pittsburgh

Monday, November 4th, 2013

Whether you choose to heat with a gas furnace or an older boiler, Pittsburgh residents need to know the benefits. We’re a tough town here in Steeler country, and our winters are as harsh as they come.  Whatever system you use to heat your household needs to be able to do the job for many years, and you have to rely on it to perform when life gives you other things to occupy your attention. Not every type of heating system fits every circumstance, and you’ll need to decide for yourself which one works best for your circumstances. Having said that, a boiler system – using hot water or steam to warm your household – offers a number of tangible advantages over other types of heating. Here are the top 3 reasons to choose a boiler in Pittsburgh.

  • No dust. Gas furnaces use a “forced air” system, which blows hot air through your home in an effort to heat it up. This can spread dust and debris around your house, which can exacerbate allergies and create irritation in the nose and throat. Boilers don’t need ductwork to circulate the warm air, so dust and debris won’t spread through your home like that.
  • Noise. Boilers are extremely quiet in their functioning, limited mostly to the burning gas or oil in the boiler itself.  That means you don’t have to put up with the sound in exchange for having a cozy and comfortable home.
  • Even heat. Along with the lack of dust comes a lack of drafts or cold spots in the home. The radiators in a boiler system warm the air evenly, increasing comfort levels and improving the overall quality of life in the home.

All of that comes with month-to-month costs that are comparable to gas furnaces and similar forms of heating. When looking at the possibilities of a boiler, Pittsburgh residents can talk to the experts at Boehmer Heating & Cooling. We can explain the reasons to choose a boiler in Pittsburgh – as well as the benefits of forced air furnaces and other forms of heating – then install your chosen unit with professionalism and pride. Give us a call to set up an appointment today.

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Geothermal System Guide

Monday, October 28th, 2013

Geothermal systems serve as a viable alternative to traditional gas furnaces, using the ambient temperature in the ground itself to heat your home. They usually cost more to install than gas furnaces, and may require certain types of property to function as they should, but they make up for that with lower month-to-month costs and a reliability that can’t be beat.

The system basically works like this: a trained technician installs pipes under your yard, which circulates a water or a mixture of water and anti-freeze. This liquid absorbs heat from the ambient temperature of the ground, and then goes to a heat pump. The heat pump heats the air and circulates it throughout your home. In the summer, this process is reversed to cool your home.

Some geothermal systems are planted horizontally,  with the pipes at least 4 feet beneath the surface.  This usually needs a large property lot for it to work, but makes it easier for the technician to reach it if there’s a leak or some other repair is needed. For houses that don’t have a lot of spare space, there are vertical installations in which pipes are installed running down from 100 to 400 feet deep. While this takes less space for installation, the pipes  may be trickier to reach in the event of a problem.

Whatever the particulars of the system, they’re extremely easy to use once they’re in place. They’re also extremely efficient, which will lower your monthly heating bills as well as raising the resale value of your home. Call the experts at Boehmer Heating & Cooling for a consultation. Our trained professionals can discuss your options with you, then set up an installation schedule that works for your circumstances.

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Pittsburgh, PA Boiler Guide: What’s Involved in Boiler Maintenance?

Monday, October 21st, 2013

The number of repairs a boiler requires is smaller than most other home comfort systems: this is one of the reasons boilers have remained popular for heating homes even as many options have emerged. A boiler that receives proper care, with regular maintenance check-ups and tune-ups, will last a very long time.

But that regular maintenance is key for making certain a boiler lasts as long as it should. Although boilers contain few moving parts that wear down over time, they circulate and hold water, which can create corrosion that will eat away at the boiler’s interior and exterior. Any machine that doesn’t receive proper attention can develop operational trouble; if left without repair, the trouble will increase.

Schedule preventive maintenance in Pittsburgh, PA, for your boiler today: contact Boehmer Heating & Cooling and enroll in our maintenance plan.

This is what you can expect from one of our extensive maintenance check-ups on your boiler:

  • System flushing: This removes silt and sand that may have settled at the bottom of the tank.
  • Pressure check: You don’t want high water pressure that may cause leaks; the ideal level for most boilers is between 12-15 lbs psi.
  • Fuel consumption check: Whether gas, electricity, or oil, your boiler shouldn’t waste fuel or draw too little of it.
  • Looking for leaks along connections and lines: Water leaks can be an insidious problem if not found and stopped early.
  • Temperature check in and around the boiler: This makes certain that your boiler isn’t losing heat, or gaining too much.
  • Thermostat recalibration: The thermostat is a vital part of making your boiler work for you, so the technician will see that it’s gauging the temperature correctly.
  • Adjust pilot and gas pressure and check for carbon monoxide leaks: Important for a gas-powered boiler, and this maintenance will also keep you safe.
  • Lubrication for all moving parts: Your boiler has few moving parts, but they still need to operate with as little stress as possible.

More goes into a maintenance visit than we can list here: an excellent technician takes the time necessary to see that you have a boiler at the peak of its heating power.

Boehmer Heating & Cooling recommends annual maintenance checks on your boiler to ensure its longevity. But even if you have skipped a few years, it’s never too late to get started. Call us today to arrange for that all-important check on your boiler in Pittsburgh, PA that will get you through the winter.

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