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Boilers have a number of advantages that keep them competitive as heating options. Perhaps the most attractive one is longevity. Boilers have few mechanical parts, which means they are less prone to wear and tear due to age.
If you’ve ever taken a good look at your boiler, examined its various external parts and components, you probably noticed what looks like a smaller water tank above the boiler with a pressure gauge attached to it. That’s the expansion tank…
The modern furnace makes better use of its fuel supply than the models of only a few decades ago. Many furnaces on today’s market carry the ENERGY STAR label from the U.S. EPA because of their efficient use of fuel and high return of heating power.
It’s the emergency you don’t want to occur in the middle of a rough winter: suddenly discovering that your heat pump won’t come on when it should. Is it broken and can you do anything about it?
We’re now deep into winter in Pittsburgh, with below-freezing temperatures swirling outside. If you have an old heating system in your home that you think may be nearing the end of its service…
The cold winter weather has arrived in Pittsburgh, and we hope that you’re cozy inside your home with your furnace keeping you warm. But if you’re not, or if your furnace is acting strangely, then maybe you need to consider a new furnace installation.
If you’ve spent at least a year with your heating system keeping you warm through a tough Pittsburgh winter, you will have a good notion of the sounds to expect from it. However, if you start hearing unusual sounds that you haven’t experienced before…
Science has yet to invent a home furnace with an artificial intelligence that allows it to tell you exactly what is wrong with it and what repairs you need to do to keep it working. However, furnaces do have an innate way of sending you warnings…
Whether you choose to heat with a gas furnace or an older boiler, Pittsburgh residents need to know the benefits. We’re a tough town here in Steeler country, and our winters are as harsh as they come. Whatever system you use to heat your household needs…
Geothermal systems serve as a viable alternative to traditional gas furnaces, using the ambient temperature in the ground itself to heat your home. They usually cost more to install than gas furnaces, and may require certain types of property…