Boehmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Pittsburgh’

A Furnace That Does This May Fail On You Soon

Monday, March 11th, 2019

shocked-woman-covering-earsThis time of the year, when spring is almost here but winter temperatures are still gracing us with their presence, is a lousy time to have your heating system develop problems. It’s also the time of the year when heating system problems are most likely to happen, thanks to the stress they’ve been put under all season long. If you can detect problems in your heater early enough, though, you can have them repaired before they develop too far.

A furnace system that’s clearly showing signs of disrepair, though, that isn’t inspected, can fail you before the season is over, or never even start up next fall.

We can’t stress enough how important it is to watch for signs that something is amiss. One of the most common signs is a furnace that’s making strange noises. Keep reading to learn more about common problem noises, and what causes them.

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“Does My Furnace Produce Dust and Allergens?”

Monday, February 25th, 2019

close-up-with-white-background-of-woman-blowing-her-noseNo, although this is a common misconception. Your furnace or ducted heat pump doesn’t produce dust any more than a boiler or a ductless system might. What your forced air heater does do, though, is circulate dust, allergens, and other debris throughout your home. That’s not to say you shouldn’t use your heater! It just means that you’ll need the right indoor air quality system(s) in place to combat this—such as a whole-house air purifier.

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How to Efficiently Stay Warm in Freezing Conditions

Monday, February 11th, 2019

family-home-covered-in-snowNeedless to say, it’s been a cold winter thus far! As your local HVAC contractor, we want to ensure that our customers stay as comfortable as possible during this chilly season. But we also want to make sure you’re doing so efficiently. High efficiency heating is accomplished in many ways, but one of the best ways is through correct use of your thermostat. Better use of your thermostat and control of your settings can do a lot for your heater, including reducing repair needs and helping it last longer.

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Common Furnace Repair Needs

Monday, January 28th, 2019

cute-dog-under-blanketIf you’re like many Pittsburgh area residents, you likely use a furnace for your winter heating needs. Since the furnace is the most common type of residential heating system across the country, we do see a lot of them and many of our professional Pittsburgh heating services involve repairing and replacing these systems.

Our expert heating repairs will get your malfunctioning furnace back in good shape. However, some furnace problems can be tricky to spot at first. We’d like to help you detect these problems early so our team can get out to you ASAP before the trouble grows worse and you end up with a cold and uncomfortable home. Keep reading for a list of warning signs, and if you notice any of them, do be sure to contact us right away.

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Heater Trouble? Check Your Thermostat!

Monday, January 14th, 2019

Note: 55 degrees is the energy-saving recommended heating setting for winter when you are not at home. Variations for heating and cooling when home and not home may be available.The bad news: It’s the middle of winter and your heater seems to be experiencing problems or a malfunction of some kind.

The good news: It may not be a problem with the actual heating system at all!

Pretty frequently, when an HVAC system doesn’t operate the way it should, the problem is actually with the thermostat. Sometimes you may still have to call in a professional for Pittsburgh, PA thermostat services, but oftentimes you may be able to “fix” or at least address the issue all on your own.

“But how?” you ask. By double checking your settings on your thermostat. Don’t worry if any of these scenarios below end up being true for you. They are very common mistakes for homeowners with digital, programmable thermostats—if it were uncommon we wouldn’t be blogging about it! Read on…

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Is My Older Thermostat Causing My Furnace to Fail?

Monday, December 31st, 2018

hand setting a thermostat down to 62 degreesWe wouldn’t go that far. But, an outdated, miscalibrated, or improperly installed thermostat can certainly hinder the performance of your heater (and your air conditioner, for that matter). Given how much we use our HVAC systems around here, it stands to reason that you want to do everything you can to save energy, and subsequently save money. We want that for you too! Which is why we offer thermostat services as part of our comprehensive Pittsburgh heating services.

The first thing we want you to understand about your thermostat is that the quality of this device and how you use it plays a pretty big role in how efficient your heater will work. Read on to learn more about this relationship, and to discover what your thermostat options are (and how they improve efficiency).

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Don’t Underestimate This Potential Gas Furnace Hazard

Monday, December 17th, 2018

Three natural gas burners with bright blue flames inside an operating gas furnace.First, we want to start by saying that if you have a gas furnace warming your home each winter, it is not inherently hazardous in any way. What can make it a danger, however, is not keeping up with system maintenance once a year, and/or not following up on furnace repair needs that your system may have.

Over 64 million homes in the U.S. use natural gas for winter heat. If they did pose a basic health threat to a home, this number would not be as high. The fact of the matter is, current standards for the manufacturing of natural gas furnaces places a special emphasis on maintaining safety in operation. So, what’s up with the title of this blog post?

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Could Your Home Use a Humidifier?

Monday, November 19th, 2018

Beautiful young woman sitting by the window having hot drinkIf you’ve lived in the Pittsburgh area for even just a year, then you are probably well aware of how dry our winters can get. When you take that dryness and put it in your home, you could end up with a lot of problems. And the thing is, the relative humidity outdoors absolutely impacts the moisture levels indoors! The lowest humidity level before your environment starts getting uncomfortable (and unhealthy) is 30%—you want your home’s relative humidity level to be between this and 50%.

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The Time Has Come: Schedule Your Furnace Tune-Up

Monday, September 24th, 2018

Technician looking over a gas furnace with a flashlight before cleaning it.HVAC maintenance, also known as a tune-up, isn’t something we just throw out as a recommendation to make a few extra bucks. We get it, it’s an easy recommendation to pass over unless something is already seriously wrong with your air conditioner or heater. But whether it’s all of the sudden or not, if you can’t get any cooling on a sweltering day or heating on a freezing cold night, you’re going to wish there had been some way to prevent it.

Well, there is. As we progress toward the cooler months, we encourage you to get a heating tune-up on your schedule if you haven’t already. It really is one of the most important Pittsburgh furnace services you can have done, for a number of reasons that we’ll get to below.

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AC Replacement: Should You Stick with a Central AC System?

Monday, September 10th, 2018

white question mark on blue backgroundBeing residents of the areas we serve ourselves, we understand that going without an air conditioner in the summer is simply not an option. So when yours dies on you, or its age indicates that it is just about time for a replacement, you may be tempted to rush out and replace it with a newer model of the same type of air conditioner you already have. For many homeowners in our area, this means sticking with central air conditioning in Pittsburgh, PA .

There are a number of benefits to sticking with central air conditioning, and this may end up being the best option for your specific home and needs after all, but it’s not the only option there is. Whether your ducts are in bad shape or you’re simply looking for an alternative for your cooling needs to save you money, then you’d do well to consider the ductless system.

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