South Hills Posts

Is Rust a Sign That My Boiler Needs Repairs?

November 19th, 2014

Your boiler uses water to heat your home, but it is made to withstand the effects of rust. For rust to develop, there has to be enough oxygen present in the air in addition to the water; boilers are made to be as air-tight as possible, so rust shouldn’t be an issue. If you are seeing rust and corrosion on your boiler, it is time to call a technician as the rust is most likely the result of a problem somewhere in your system.

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Monroeville HVAC Tip: How Indoor Air Quality Controls Can Help People with Asthma

July 30th, 2012

If you, your child or anyone else in your family suffers from asthma, you know that it can be brutal. There is evidence to suggest that higher quality air can help keep asthma symptoms in check. While you can’t control air quality everywhere you go…

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Pittsburgh AC Guide: Things to Look for in a New Central Air Conditioning System

July 2nd, 2012

When it comes time to buy a new air conditioner in Pittsburgh, there are a lot of factors to consider. Beyond the obvious issues like cost, you need to consider how that system will operate once installed. What factors are most important to you?

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Pittsburgh Heating Tip: How to Check if Your HVAC System Is the Right Size

March 26th, 2012

Do you ever feel that your Pittsburgh home just doesn’t get cool enough during the warm months or warm enough during the cold months? You have tried to adjust your thermostat to the right comfort level but it just never seems right.

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Pittsburgh Heating Quesiton: What Are Flue Gas Spill Switches?

March 21st, 2012

While some components of their Pittsburgh heating system make sense to the average homeowner – think blower fan, thermostat and air ducts – others are more esoteric and prone to bouts of head scratching.

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South Hills Geothermal Tip: Problems Caused by Poor Water Quality in Open Loop Systems

March 14th, 2012

As geothermal heating systems go, an open loop configuration can be an excellent choice in South Hills, provided the local geography supports it. Open loop systems work very effectively and efficiently because the deep water is held at an almost constant temperature year round.

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Bridgeville Heating Repair Tip: Furnace Control Boards

February 17th, 2012

One way to be a truly responsible Bridgeville homeowner is to familiarize yourself with the major systems and appliances in your home. By having at least some understanding of how, say, your refrigerator or toilet work…

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O’Hara Heating Repair Question: Why Is My Air Handler Squealing?

February 13th, 2012

Unusual noises coming from your O’Hara home’s HVAC system never a good thing; they make you worry that something is wrong. It’s true that an unusual noise does often mean that something needs to be fixed…

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Pittsburgh HVAC Installation Guide: How to Install a Programmable Thermostat

February 8th, 2012

Programmable thermostats are one of the best ways to save on heating costs, especially if you have a hard time remembering to turn down the heat in your Pittsburgh home. Installing a programmable thermostat will allow…

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Allison Park-Hampton Geothermal Installation Question: How is Geothermal Different than Other Heating Systems?

February 6th, 2012

There are many methods to heating a building in Allison Park-Hampton. Early methods included burning coal and wood. Today, sophisticated building controls call for more efficient means of heat – and a method gaining in popularity is geothermal heating.

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