Washington County Posts

Pittsburgh AC Tip: Why Are Cleans Filters So Important to AC Efficiency?

July 9th, 2012

Air conditioners cost money to operate – even more when they don’t work at 100% efficiency. So, it is important to perform the various regular maintenance tasks on your Pittsburgh AC that ensure the system uses as little electricity as possible.

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Pittsburgh Air Conditioning Installation Tip: Why it Is Important to Examine Your Ducts

June 18th, 2012

For most homeowners the day a new air conditioner gets installed is a great one. It means you can look forward to plenty of days of cool comfort, sheltered from the blistering summer heat that would otherwise make you feel sticky and sluggish.

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Pittsburgh Heating Tip: How to Check if Your HVAC System Is the Right Size

March 26th, 2012

Do you ever feel that your Pittsburgh home just doesn’t get cool enough during the warm months or warm enough during the cold months? You have tried to adjust your thermostat to the right comfort level but it just never seems right.

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Things to Try Before Calling a Pittsburgh HVAC Professional

February 29th, 2012

Your Pittsburgh home’s HVAC system can seem like very daunting and complex equipment, so you might not want to work on by yourself. While it’s true that HVAC equipment can be complicated and needs the attention…

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West Mifflin Heating Tip: Simple Steps to Prevent Heat Loss

February 24th, 2012

There are two fundamental ways to make your West Mifflin house warmer. One is to generate heat, which is the job of your furnace or boiler. The second is to keep the warm air in — and thereby keep cold air out…

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Bridgeville Heating Repair Tip: Furnace Control Boards

February 17th, 2012

One way to be a truly responsible Bridgeville homeowner is to familiarize yourself with the major systems and appliances in your home. By having at least some understanding of how, say, your refrigerator or toilet work…

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O’Hara Heating Repair Question: Why Is My Air Handler Squealing?

February 13th, 2012

Unusual noises coming from your O’Hara home’s HVAC system never a good thing; they make you worry that something is wrong. It’s true that an unusual noise does often mean that something needs to be fixed…

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Pittsburgh HVAC Installation Guide: How to Install a Programmable Thermostat

February 8th, 2012

Programmable thermostats are one of the best ways to save on heating costs, especially if you have a hard time remembering to turn down the heat in your Pittsburgh home. Installing a programmable thermostat will allow…

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Allison Park-Hampton Geothermal Installation Question: How is Geothermal Different than Other Heating Systems?

February 6th, 2012

There are many methods to heating a building in Allison Park-Hampton. Early methods included burning coal and wood. Today, sophisticated building controls call for more efficient means of heat – and a method gaining in popularity is geothermal heating.

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Bridgeville Geothermal Installation Guide: Components of a Geothermal Heating System

January 13th, 2012

A geothermal heating system for yor Bridgeville home has three basic components and some add-on ones as well. Its most distinguishing feature is the ground loops. The most common is the “closed” ground loop system….

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