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Thermostat Not Reaching Set Temperature – Here’s What to Try

Home | Blog | Published on August 12th, 2024
Intelligent home automation system: controlling house temperature with a multimedia touch screen display, mounted on an apartment wall and wireless connected to a main computer unit. Intelligent system for energy saving, climate control and environmental conservation. Temperature is expressed in Fahrenheit degrees (see more images from my portfolio for other units). Shows thermometer, warm and cold air conditioning icons, relative humidity and current temperature.

Your thermostat is the brain behind your HVAC system. Sometimes a thermostat can malfunction, causing what seems like HVAC issues when it’s really the thermostat that’s the problem. For example, you may notice that the system isn’t able to reach the desired temperature. Let’s go over what causes thermostat problems, which issues you can try to troubleshoot yourself, and which problems require thermostat repair in Whitehall.

Improper Thermostat Placement

Have you recently had a new thermostat installed? One of the most common issues with thermostats is improper placement. When a thermostat is installed close to heat sources such as direct sunlight or appliances, it can register a higher temperature than the rest of your home, causing the HVAC system to shut off prematurely. 

You should always have a professional HVAC company install a new thermostat. We will choose the ideal location for a new thermostat to help it get an accurate reading of your home’s temperature.

Faulty Thermostat

On the other hand, is your thermostat old and outdated? An outdated or faulty thermostat can cause the system to not reach the set temperature. Some of the signs of a faulty thermostat include unresponsive controls, incorrect temperature readings, and frequent system cycling. We can check if your thermostat needs a repair or a replacement.

Incorrect Thermostat Settings

Sometimes, a thermostat issue can be as simple as an incorrect thermostat setting. Perhaps you or someone in your household accidentally switched it off or into vacation mode. If you have a smart thermostat, it’s possible that a setting was changed in the smart thermostat app. Checking the thermostat settings is the first step when troubleshooting thermostat issues.

Clogged Air Filter

When was the last time you changed your system’s air filter? An HVAC system will struggle to reach the set temperature if the filter is clogged or dirty. This results in restricted airflow, causing your system to work harder to cool or heat your home. This not only reduces efficiency but also puts additional strain on the system. Be sure to replace the filter every 1-3 months.

How to Troubleshoot a Thermostat

  • Check and Replace Air Filters: Inspect your air filters and replace them if they are dirty or clogged. Regularly changing your air filters every 1-3 months can improve airflow and system efficiency, helping your HVAC system reach the set temperature.
  • Upgrade or Repair the Thermostat: If you suspect your thermostat is due to be replaced, contact us for thermostat replacement. Today’s Wi-Fi and smart thermostats offer better accuracy and control, allowing you to set schedules and remotely adjust temperatures for improved comfort and efficiency.

If you’ve tried the above steps and your HVAC system still isn’t reaching the set temperature, it’s time to call our team. We can restore your thermostat’s functionality and get your home to the temperature that you want it to be. 

Call the friendly staff at Boehmer Heating & Cooling for exceptional customer service! Schedule thermostat repair in Whitehall, PA with our team today.

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